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[英]Product Name not displaying properly in Bundle Identifier - numbers not showing?

On my app developer site I created a an app ID of org.myorg.54Miles My apps name is 54Miles. 在我的应用程序开发人员网站上,我创建了一个应用程序ID org.myorg.54Miles。我的应用程序名称为54Miles。

In XCode my product name is set to 54Miles under my Build Settings - but it makes my bundle identifier under the general "org.sd54.-4Miles" 在XCode中,我的产品名称在我的构建设置下设置为54Miles-但它使我的捆绑包标识符在常规的“ org.sd54.-4Miles”下

Any idea why this is? 知道为什么会这样吗? It's causing me to not be able to archive the app and get it distributed because the AppID doesn't match the bundle ID in xcode. 由于AppID与xcode中的包ID不匹配,这导致我无法归档该应用并将其分发。

I want it to read: org.sd54.54Miles - but currently I cannot get it to stop reading org.sd54.-4Miles 我希望它读为:org.sd54.54Miles-但目前我无法停止阅读org.sd54.-4Miles

Cannot figure it out! 无法弄清楚!

I ended up just leaving the bundle ID as it was since apparently Apple has a problem leading with digits in the bundle identifier. 我最后只留下了捆绑软件ID,因为显然Apple出现了捆绑软件标识符中的数字问题。

So I just created a new App ID in the developer site to match it. 因此,我刚刚在开发人员站点中创建了一个新的App ID以进行匹配。 I have since been able to deploy it without issue. 从那以后,我就能够毫无问题地部署它。

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