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Product Name not displaying properly in Bundle Identifier - numbers not showing?

On my app developer site I created a an app ID of org.myorg.54Miles My apps name is 54Miles.

In XCode my product name is set to 54Miles under my Build Settings - but it makes my bundle identifier under the general "org.sd54.-4Miles"

Any idea why this is? It's causing me to not be able to archive the app and get it distributed because the AppID doesn't match the bundle ID in xcode.

I want it to read: org.sd54.54Miles - but currently I cannot get it to stop reading org.sd54.-4Miles

Cannot figure it out!

I ended up just leaving the bundle ID as it was since apparently Apple has a problem leading with digits in the bundle identifier.

So I just created a new App ID in the developer site to match it. I have since been able to deploy it without issue.

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