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[英]Drawing a polygon in map based on coordinates from a two dimensional array

Given a two-dimensional array looking like this (I'm drawing it up as a grid): 给定一个看起来像这样的二维数组(我将其绘制为网格):
[0][0][0] [1][1] [0][0] [1][1] [0] [0] [0] [0] [1] [1] [0] [0] [1] [1] [0]
[0] [1][1] [1] [1] [0] [1] [1] [1] [0] [0] [1] [1] [1] [1] [0] [1] [1] [1] [0]
[0] [1] [1][1] [1] [0][0] [1][1] [0] [0] [1] [1] [1] [1] [0] [0] [1] [1] [0]
[0] [1][1] [1] [1] [0][0][0][0][0] [0] [1] [1] [1] [1] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0]
[0][0][0] [1][1] [0][0][0][0][0] [0] [0] [0] [1] [1] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0]

I want to extract the 1's that are bold, and ignore those that are italic. 我想提取粗体的1,而忽略斜体的1。 My 1's represent gps coordinates that I want to use as input to a MultiPolygon feature in a GeoJSON document. 我的1代表我要用作GeoJSON文档中MultiPolygon功能输入的gps坐标。

Right now I iterate through each row and create MultiLineString, but that is really not what I want. 现在,我遍历每一行并创建MultiLineString,但这确实不是我想要的。

var previousValue = -1;
var line = [];
var lines = [];
var points = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
    var value = data[i];

    if (value == 0 || (previousValue > -1 && value != previousValue)) {
        // Line interrupted, push it to features and create a new
        if (line.length === 1) { // It's not a line, but a point
            //this.common.log.info("Push point");
        } else if (line.length === 2 && previousValue > -1) {
        line = [];
    if (value > 0) {
        if (line.length == 0) {
            // Start of line
        } else if (line.length == 1) {
            // Line has only a starting point, add to end
        } else {
            // Line has already an endpoint, update it
            line[1] = value;
    previousValue = value;

I guess there is a library for this? 我想这里有图书馆吗?

You can try a marching squares algorithm (like in the comment) but I recommend an alpha shapes. 您可以尝试使用行进平方算法(如注释中所示),但我建议使用alpha形状。 Its a delaunay triangulation without edges exceeding alpha. 它是delaunay三角剖分,且边线不超过alpha。 The marching cube isn't the right for concave hull. 行进的立方体不适用于凹面船体。

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