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[英]CCButton not calling method

In my Cocos2d game I am adding a pause button to the CCScene. 在我的Cocos2d游戏中,我向CCScene添加了一个暂停按钮。 The pause button is a CCButton. 暂停按钮是CCButton。 The problem is that when my button is pressed the action isn't called. 问题在于,当按下我的按钮时,不会调用该动作。 I have tested the button on the main menu and it work fine. 我已经测试了主菜单上的按钮,它工作正常。 I tried using control.block = ^(id sender) and it didn't work either. 我尝试使用control.block = ^(id sender),但它也不起作用。 I am calling addPauseButton method in the init method. 我在init方法中调用addPauseButton方法。 I'm wondering if the problem has to do with the physics node. 我想知道问题是否与物理节点有关。

    CCSpriteFrame *pauseNormalImage = [CCSpriteFrame frameWithImageNamed:@"pause.png"];
    CCSpriteFrame *pauseHighlightedImage  = [CCSpriteFrame frameWithImageNamed:@"pause_selected.png"];
    CCButton *btnPause = [CCButton buttonWithTitle:nil

    btnPause.positionType = CCPositionTypeNormalized;
    btnPause.position = ccp(0.85f, 0.85f);
    [btnPause setTarget:self selector:@selector(onbtnPauseTapped:)];

    [self addChild:btnPause z:10000]; 

- (void)onbtnPauseTapped:(id)sender


I had this same issue a while ago and couldn't figure it. 前一段时间我也遇到过同样的问题,无法解决。 The problem was a UIGestureRecognizer preventing the user touch being sent up the responder chain. 问题是UIGestureRecognizer阻止了用户触摸被发送到响应链。 Check your code to see if you are using a UIGestureRecognizer . 检查您的代码以查看是否正在使用UIGestureRecognizer I also recommend reading the Apple documentation for UIGestureRecognizer . 我还建议阅读有关UIGestureRecognizer的Apple文档。

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