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从WP7应用升级到WP8 [关闭]

[英]upgrade from WP7 app to WP8 [closed]

I have a WP 7.1 app in the marketplace, but some features crash in WP 8. 我在市场上有WP 7.1应用程序,但是WP 8中某些功能崩溃了。
I don't use VS 2010 anymore and would like to take the opportunity to create a WP8 version of the app. 我不再使用VS 2010,并想借此机会创建该应用程序的WP8版本。

Imagine that I have a user that runs my 7.1 app on his Windows Phone 8 and that he has already saved data to isolated storage. 假设我有一个用户在他的Windows Phone 8上运行我的7.1应用程序,并且他已经将数据保存到隔离存储中。 Will he see the WP 8 version of my app as an upate? 他会认为我的应用程序的WP 8版本是正常的吗? Will he lose data already stored in Isolated Storage? 他会丢失已经存储在隔离存储中的数据吗?

No, the user will not lose data in the isolated storage as long as it's an update to the existing app. 不,只要它是对现有应用程序的更新,用户就不会丢失隔离存储中的数据。 Make sure you don't replace the old xap, add a new one for WP8 instead. 确保不替换旧的xap,而是为WP8添加一个新的xap。

This is my app that have got both WP7.1 and WP8 xaps. 这是我的应用程序,同时具有WP7.1和WP8 xap。 You should see something similar in your dashboard once you uploaded your WP8 version. 上传WP8版本后,您应该在仪表板中看到类似的内容。


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