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[英]Dump info from database

I'm new to Python, but I'm trying to dump certain info from a database. 我是Python的新手,但是我试图从数据库中转储某些信息。 I currently have the following: 我目前有以下内容:

import os,MySQLdb

db = MySQLdb.connect(read_default_file="/etc/my.cnf",read_default_group="mysql",db="DbName")

cursor = db.cursor()

sql = "select * from DatasetStatus"

    print '\n Mysql> ' + sql
    results = cursor.fetchall()

    for row in results:
        incache = row[3]
        size = row[5]

    print "%s"% \

    print " Error ($s): unable to fetch data."%(sql)


I need to access print "%s" , the size of the datasets, but only for those where "%i" is equal to 1 (meaning it is currently cached). 我需要访问print "%s" ,即数据集的大小,但仅适用于那些"%i"等于1(表示当前已缓存)的数据集。 Any thoughts on how I might approach this? 关于如何处理这个问题有任何想法吗?

If I understand your question correctly, your loop should rather be: 如果我正确理解您的问题,则您的循环应该是:

for row in results:
    incache = row[3]
    if incache == 1:
        size = row[5]
        print size

ie with the print inside the loop and guarded by an if (I simplified away the baroque unneeded structure of the print itself, because this simplest-of-all-prints does exactly the same thing as your convoluted one, and Occam's Razor roolz -- but, that's independent from your question:-). 也就是说,将print置于循环中并用if (我简化了print本身不需要的巴洛克式结构,因为这种最简单的打印品的作用与您费解的打印品以及Occam的Razor roolz完全相同-但是,这与您的问题无关:-)。

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