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[英]R: efficient ways to add months to dates?

I have a data.table of millions of rows and one of the columns is date column. 我有一个数百万行的data.table,其中一列是日期列。 I would like to add 12 months to all the dates in that column and create a new column. 我想在该列的所有日期添加12个月并创建一个新列。 So I use the dplyr and lubridate packages Eg 所以我使用dplyr和lubridate包Eg

new_data <- data %>% mutate(date12m = date %m+% months(12))

This works, however it is very slow for large datasets. 这可行,但对于大型数据集来说速度非常慢。 Am I missing something? 我错过了什么吗? How can this be sped up? 怎么加速呢? I generally don't expect R to run for more than 10 minutes for such a simple task 对于这么简单的任务,我通常不希望R运行超过10分钟

Edit: 编辑:

I note that my solution is already more efficient than using as.yearmon. 我注意到我的解决方案已经比使用as.yearmon更有效了。 Thanks to Colonel Beauvel for the solution 感谢Beauvel上校的解决方案

a <- data.frame(date = rep(today(),1000000))

func = function(u) {
  d = as.Date(as.yearmon(u)+1, frac=1) 
  if(day(u)>day(d)) return(d)
  day(d) = day(u)

pt <- proc.time()
a <- a %>% mutate(date12m = func(date))

pt <- proc.time()
a <- a %>% mutate(date12m = date %m+% 12)

Just add 1 with month : 只需在month添加1:

x=seq.Date(from=as.Date("2007-01-01"), to=as.Date("2014-12-12"), by="day")
month(x) = month(x) + 1

#> head(x)
#[1] "2007-02-01" "2007-02-02" "2007-02-03" "2007-02-04" "2007-02-05" "2007-02-06"

Edit : as per @akrun comment here is the solution, using as.yearmon from zoo package. 编辑 :根据@akrun评论这里是解决方案,使用来自zoo包的as.yearmon The trick is to do quick check when taking the day of the last date of the next month: 诀窍是在下个月的最后一天采取快速检查:


func = function(u)
    d = as.Date(as.yearmon(u)+1/12, frac=1) 
    if(day(u)>day(d)) return(d)
    day(d) = day(u)

#> as.Date(sapply(x, func))
#[1] "2014-02-28" "2015-03-28" "2013-04-02"

I am also working with big data frames in R, you can use the package DescTools , it has a function named AddMonths(date,NoOfMonths) . 我也在使用R中的大数据框,你可以使用包DescTools ,它有一个名为AddMonths(date,NoOfMonths)的函数。

It is works quite well for me. 它对我来说效果很好。

> a <- ymd("2011-09-9")
> b <- AddMonths(a,1)
> b

[1] "2011-10-09"

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