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您如何以编程方式控制Casio Exilim EX-F1数码相机?

[英]How can you programmatically control a Casio Exilim EX-F1 digital camera?

I would like to be able to programmatically emulate a shutter button press on my Casio Exilim EX-F1 digital camera. 我希望能够以编程方式模拟我的Casio Exilim EX-F1数码相机上的快门按钮按下。

It comes with a USB tethered remote control that can emulate a shutter press, so I would think there is a way to emulate that from a PC. 它带有可模拟快门的USB系留遥控器,所以我认为有一种方法可以从PC进行模拟。

I've looked and can't find any libraries or anything for controlling this camera. 我已经看过,找不到任何库或用于控制此相机的任何内容。

Anybody have any ideas? 有人有什么想法吗? How about a way to "sniff" the USB being sent from the remote (I can't imagine that's easy). 如何“嗅探”从远程发送的USB呢(我无法想象这很简单)。

There's a non-official API to control the Casio EX-F1. 有一个非官方的API来控制Casio EX-F1。 It's a reverse enginyering free (as in freedom) product. 这是一种反向工程免费(如自由)产品。

http://code.google.com/p/exf1ctrl/ http://code.google.com/p/exf1ctrl/

In case anyone finds this question, Casio finally released an official way to do this with the free EX-F1 Controller software (with special firmware included): 万一有人发现此问题,Casio最终发布了使用免费的EX-F1 Controller软件(包括特殊固件)的官方方法:

http://support.casio.com/download.php?rgn=5&cid=001&pid=573 http://support.casio.com/download.php?rgn=5&cid=001&pid=573

It has its limitations but it makes more possible for sure. 它有其局限性,但可以肯定的是。

Ok although it might be out-of-the-box thinking the easiest solution I can think of, without having the patent documentation + technical specs in-front of me (that is the normal route people use to do this sort of thing) you could always use Lego Mindstorm robotics. 好吧,尽管可能开箱即用地想到了我能想到的最简单的解决方案,而没有我面前的专利文档和技术规范(这是人们执行此类操作的常规途径),但您可以始终使用Lego Mindstorm机器人技术。

Edit: Anyways besides the Lego, which would be my course of action, I mentioned, the hard-core way is to use the Spec sheets, you can normally get them off the website, but then your basically into driver programming. 编辑:无论如何,除了乐高玩具,这是我的行动方针,我提到过,最核心的方法是使用规格表,您通常可以从网站上获取它们,但随后您基本上可以进行驱动程序编程了。 If you find that prospect attractive in anyway this link will give you some ideas for doing it on Windows. 无论如何,如果您发现潜在客户很有吸引力,则此链接将为您提供一些在Windows上进行操作的想法。

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