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[英]Regex : Split on comma , but exclude commas within parentheses and quotes(Both single & Double)

I have one string 我有一个字符串


I want to split it on comma but need to exclude commas within parentheses and quotes(Both single and double quotes). 我想在逗号上拆分它,但需要在括号和引号(单引号和双引号)中排除逗号。

Like this 像这样

5 (5,5) C'A,B' 'A,B' ',B' 'A,' "A,B" C"A,B" 5 (5,5) C'A,B' 'A,B' ',B' 'A,' "A,B" C"A,B"

Using java Regular Expression how to achieve this ?? 用java Regular Expression如何实现这个?

You can use this regex: 你可以使用这个正则表达式:

String input = "5,(5,5),C'A,B','A,B',',B','A,',\"A,B\",C\"A,B\"";
String[] toks = input.split( 
                ",(?=(([^']*'){2})*[^']*$)(?=(([^\"]*\"){2})*[^\"]*$)(?![^()]*\\))" );
for (String tok: toks)
    System.out.printf("<%s>%n", tok);

Output: 输出:


Explanation: 说明:

,                         # Match literal comma
(?=(([^']*'){2})*[^']*$)  # Lookahead to ensure comma is followed by even number of '
(?=(([^"]*"){2})*[^"]*$)  # Lookahead to ensure comma is followed by even number of "
(?![^()]*\\))             # Negative lookahead to ensure ) is not followed by matching
                          # all non [()] characters in between

Try this. 尝试这个。

See demo . 演示

For java 对于java


Instead of split ting the string, consider matching instead. 而不是split字符串,而是考虑匹配。

String s  = "5,(5,5),C'A,B','A,B',',B','A,',\"A,B\",C\"A,B\"";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(?:[^,]*(['\"])[^'\"]*\\1|\\([^)]*\\))|[^,]+");
Matcher m = p.matcher(s);
while (m.find()) {

Output 产量


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