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[英]Sliding window over an image OpenCV

I am trying to define a window that scans across an image, I want to find the average RGB values in each window and output them. 我试图定义一个扫描图像的窗口,我想在每个窗口中找到平均RGB值并输出它们。

I have managed to get the average RGB values for the entire image like this: 我设法得到整个图像的平均RGB值,如下所示:

img = cv2.imread('images/0021.jpg')

mean = cv2.mean(img)

print mean[0]
print mean[1]
print mean[2]

Gives: 得到:


How could I apply this mean function to a moving window and output the values for each window? 如何将此均值函数应用于移动窗口并输出每个窗口的值?

EDIT: 编辑:

Here is what I have now: 这就是我现在拥有的:

img = cv2.imread('images/0021.jpg')

def new(img):
    rows,cols = img.shape
    final = np.zeros((rows, cols, 3, 3))
    for x in (0,1,2):
        for y in (0,1,2):
            img1 = np.vstack((img[x:],img[:x]))
            img1 = np.column_stack((img1[:,y:],img1[:,:y]))
            final[x::3,y::3] = np.swapaxes(img1.reshape(rows/3,3,cols/3,-1),1,2)
            b,g,r = cv2.split(final)
            rgb_img = cv2.merge([r,g,b])
            mean = cv2.mean(rgb_img)
            print mean[0]
            print mean[1]
            print mean[2]

But now I am getting zero output. 但现在我的零输出。

I wrote a script similar to the given links. 我写了一个类似于给定链接的脚本。 It basically divides your img to 3*3 parts and then computes mean (and standard deviation) of each part. 它基本上将你的img分成3 * 3部分,然后计算每个部分的平均值(和标准偏差)。 With a little array optimization I think you can use it real time/on video. 通过一些小数组优化,我认为您可以实时/在视频上使用它。

PS: Divisions should be integer division PS:除法应该是整数除法

EDIT: now the script gives 9 outputs each represent a mean of its own region. 编辑:现在脚本提供9个输出,每个输出代表其自己区域的平均值。

import numpy as np
import cv2


for y in range(scale):
for x in range(scale):


print mean_values.reshape(3,3,3)

The output is bgr mean values of each window: 输出是每个窗口的bgr平均值:

[[[  69.63661573   66.75843063   65.02066449]
  [ 118.39233345  114.72655391  116.14441964]
  [ 159.26887164  143.40760348  144.63208436]]

 [[  75.50831044  107.45708276  103.0781851 ]
  [ 108.46450034  141.52005495  139.84878949]
  [ 122.67583265  154.86071992  153.67907072]]

 [[  83.67678571  131.45284169  128.27706902]
  [  86.57919815  129.09968235  128.64439389]
  [  90.1102402   135.33173999  132.86622807]]]
[Finished in 0.5s]

Filter with a kernel of shape equal to your window, and values all equal to 1/window_areas. 使用形状等于窗口的内核进行过滤,值均等于1 / window_areas。 The result is local average you seek (also known as a "box blur" operation). 结果是您寻找的局部平均值(也称为“盒子模糊”操作)。

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