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[英]How can I get all filename in different directories?

Lets say the directories hierarchy looks like this: 可以说目录层次结构如下所示:

|         |        |
fileB.h  fileC.png  fileD.py

How can I access all the doc? 如何访问所有文档? Or just get the path. 或者只是获得路径。 Is there a way to iterlate all? 有没有办法迭代所有?

What I do: 我所做的:

path = sys.path[0]
for filename_dir in os.listdir(path):
     filename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename_dir)
     if ext == '.h':
         #do something
     elif ext == '.png'
         #do something

But as I know listdir can only access the directory where my program's py file located. 但是据我所知listdir只能访问程序的py文件所在的目录。

This gives only the dirs and files under a directory, but not recursively: 这仅给出目录下的目录和文件,但不递归:

import os

for filename in os.listdir(path):
    print filename

If you want to list absolute paths: 如果要列出绝对路径:

import os

def listdir_fullpath(d):
    return [os.path.join(d, f) for f in os.listdir(d)]

If you want resursive search, this gives you an iterator that returns 3-tuples including the parent directory, list of directories, and list of files at each iteration: 如果要进行递归搜索,则可以使用迭代器在每次迭代时返回3元组,包括父目录,目录列表和文件列表:

for i,j,k in os.walk('.'):
    print i, j, k

For example: 例如:

    import os

    path = sys.path[0]

    for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
        for subdirname in dirnames:
            print "FOUND DIRECTORY: ", os.path.join(dirname, subdirname)
        for filename in filenames:
            print "FOUND FILE: ", os.path.join(dirname, filename)


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