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[英]Commas instead of points with XLConnect and readWorksheet in R

I am using the XLConnect library to read .xlsx data for paneldata analysis purposes. 我正在使用XLConnect库读取.xlsx数据以进行面板数据分析。 My problem: If reading a data frame, I get commas instead of points as a decimal separator and I am not sure why this is the case and how I should solve it. 我的问题:如果读取数据帧,则会得到逗号而不是点作为小数点分隔符,并且我不确定为什么会出现这种情况以及如何解决。 I am from Europe, but I use a decimal point in Excel. 我来自欧洲,但是我在Excel中使用小数点。

Reproducing an example is quite difficult, here are the important lines: 复制示例非常困难,以下是重要的几行:

wb = loadWorkbook("Bel_PANEL_DATA.xlsx") 
df_price <- readWorksheet(wb, sheet="Prices", keep=c(3,10))
colnames(df_price) <- c("Year", "Price")

The output of some random lines is: 一些随机行的输出是:

      Year          Price
38    2000          175,1735
39    2001          196,2913
40    2002          204,3013
41    2003          251,2955
42    2004          259,8135
43    2005          265,1185
44    2006          370,9554
45    2007          367,2868
46    2008          339,0321
47    2009          348,6053

and ... 还有...

> typeof(df_price$Price)
[1] "character"

If I use as.numeric I only get NA values (all of them)... 如果我使用as.numeric我只会得到NA值(所有这些值)...

Before setting them to as.numeric() , you'd want to do substitution of "," to "." 在将它们设置为as.numeric() ,您需要将","替换为"." :

df_price$Price <- as.numeric(sub(",", ".", df_price$Price))
Year          Price
2000          175,1735
2001          196,2913
2002          204,3013
2003          251,2955
2004          259,8135
2005          265,1185
2006          370,9554
2007          367,2868
2008          339,0321
2009          348,6053")
data$Price <- as.numeric(str_replace_all(price, fixed(" "), ""))

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