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Maven Web应用未在本地Tomcat中部署

[英]Maven web app not deploying in local Tomcat

I've had a web app project on Eclipse Luna (created as Dynamic Web Project) for a while; 我有一段时间在Eclipse Luna上创建了一个Web应用程序项目(创建为Dynamic Web Project)。 in order to test, I used to use the option "Run on server", and it ran correctly on my Tomcat 7 server. 为了进行测试,我曾经使用“在服务器上运行”选项,并且该选项可以在我的Tomcat 7服务器上正确运行。

But now, I have mavenized the project, and there's no way I can run it as easily as I used to. 但是现在,我已经对该项目进行了改造,无法像以前那样轻松地运行它。 Actually there's not even an option to "Run on server", just "Run as Java Application/Applet" if I click on the project folder or "Run as Maven install/build..." if I click on the pom.xml file. 实际上,甚至没有选项“在服务器上运行”,如果单击项目文件夹,则只有“以Java Application / Applet的身份运行”,如果单击pom.xml文件,则只有“以Maven的安装/构建方式运行...”。 。

Is there any way I can go back ti running my beloved webapp on my local server? 有什么办法可以让我在本地服务器上运行心爱的Web应用程序吗?

Thanks! 谢谢!

Add this into your pom.xlm : 将此添加到您的pom.xlm


After this, you'll have to set some things in the Tomcat config. 之后,您必须在Tomcat配置中进行一些设置。 I set the following things in tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml : 我在tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml设置以下内容:

<role rolename="manager-script" />
<role rolename="manager-gui" />
<user username="admin" password="admin" roles="manager-script,manager-gui"/>

And set the ${tomcat.server.name} variable's value in the Maven's settings.xml file ( ~/.m2/settings.xml ), and some other stuff: 并在Maven的settings.xml文件( ~/.m2/settings.xml )和其他一些东西中设置${tomcat.server.name}变量的值:


After this, you'll be able to run, mvn clean install tomcat:deploy or mvn clean install tomcat:redeploy , and that'll run. 之后,您将可以运行, mvn clean install tomcat:deploymvn clean install tomcat:redeploy ,然后将运行。

For more config info, see the docs ! 有关更多配置信息,请参阅文档

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