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[英]Does every Haskell function do tail calls?

I wondered that every function in Haskell should be tail recursive. 我想知道Haskell中的每个函数都应该是尾递归的。

The factorial function implemented as a non tail recursive function: 阶乘函数实现为非尾递归函数:

fact 0 = 1
fact n = n * fact (n - 1)

Every operator is a function too, so this is equivalent to 每个运算符也是一个函数,所以这等效于

fact 0 = 1
fact n = (*) n (fact (n - 1))

But this is clearly a tail call to me. 但这显然是我的尾声。 I wonder why this code causes stack overflows if every call just creates a new thunk on the heap. 我想知道如果每个调用都只是在堆上创建一个新的thunk,那么这段代码为什么会导致堆栈溢出。 Shouldn't i get a heap overflow? 我不应该堆溢出吗?

In the code 在代码中

fact 0 = 1
fact n = (*) n (fact (n - 1))

the last (*) ... is a tail call, as you observed. 如您所见,最后一个(*) ...是尾部调用。 The last argument fact (n-1) however will build a thunk which is immediately demanded by (*) . 但是,最后一个实参fact (n-1)将产生一个thunk,紧接着(*)要求它。 This leads to a non-tail call to fact . 这导致对fact的无尾的呼吁。 Recursively, this will consume the stack. 递归地,这将消耗堆栈。

TL;DR: the posted code performs a tail call, but (*) does not. TL; DR:发布的代码执行尾部调用,但(*)则不执行。

(Also "the stack" in Haskell is a not so clear notion as in strict languages. Some implementations of Haskell use something more complex than that. You can search for "push/enter vs eval/apply" strategies if you want some gory details.) (此外,Haskell中的“堆栈”概念并不像严格的语言中那么清晰。Haskell的某些实现使用的东西要比这复杂得多。如果需要一些详细信息,可以搜索“推入/输入vs评估/应用”策略。 。)

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