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[英]Add row to data.frame but only to certain columns

I wish to create a data.frame and add rows but ONLY to certain columns. 我希望创建一个data.frame并添加行,但仅添加到某些列。 I want the remaining columns to be specified as NAs. 我希望将其余列指定为NA。

What I have is as follows: 我所拥有的如下:

#create empty data frame
> x
[1] X1 X2 X3
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

#The data and its corresponding columns
> y=data.frame(col=c("X1","X3"),val=c(20,30))
> y
  col val
1  X1  20
2  X3  30
#select those columns (works fine)
> x[,y$col]
[1] X1 X2
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
#select and create a row for those columns and corresponding values
> x[,y$col]=y$val
Error in Summary.factor(1:2, na.rm = FALSE) : 
  min not meaningful for factors

So the question is how would you (efficiently) create the new rows. 因此,问题是如何(有效地)创建新行。 Im guessing there ought to be a way to do it without specifying the NAs yourself. 我想应该有一种无需亲自指定NA的方法。

One of the problems is that your col variable in y is a factor. 问题之一是y中的col变量是一个因素。 This can easily be undone: 这很容易撤消:

y=data.frame(col = c("X1","X3"), val = c(20,30), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

Next, when you do 接下来,当你做


You don't specify a row number. 您没有指定行号。 Doing this would work though: 这样做虽然可以:

x[1,y$col] <- y$val


#   X1 X2 X3
# 1 20 NA 30

But then you'll soon run into problems if you have other X1's and X2's to write to the x dataframe. 但是如果您还有其他X1和X2要写入x数据帧,那么很快就会遇到问题。 So your algorithm might need some brush-up, unless this is really what you need. 因此,除非确实需要,否则您的算法可能需要重新刷牙。

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