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Xaml Image.Source在C#中未更新

[英]Xaml Image.Source is not updating in C#

I have some trouble with updating the source of an Image in Xaml. 我在更新Xaml中的图像源时遇到了一些麻烦。 Im making a Windows Store App, and Im trying to set the source in my C# code. 我正在制作Windows应用商店应用,然后尝试在C#代码中设置源。 Basically, what my small program is doing is to let the user select a JPG file, and then copy this over to AppData folder. 基本上,我的小程序正在做的是让用户选择JPG文件,然后将其复制到AppData文件夹中。 In my App, I want the picture the user have uploaded to show. 在我的应用中,我希望显示用户上传的图片。 Everything is working except the part where I show the image, this image does not want to change even if I provide a new source. 除了我显示图像的那部分以外,其他所有东西都在工作,即使我提供了新的来源,该图像也不想更改。

C# Code: C#代码:

public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
    FileOpenPicker pickerSelect;
    FileSavePicker pickerSave;

    StorageFolder folder;
    StorageFile pic;

    public MainPage()

    private async void InitializeProfilePicture()
        folder = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;    
        pic = await folder.GetFileAsync("profile.jpg");        

        BitmapImage uri = new BitmapImage(new Uri(pic.Path, UriKind.Absolute));
        ProfilePic.Source = uri;


    private void InitializePickers()
        pickerSelect = new FileOpenPicker();
        pickerSave = new FileSavePicker();


    private async void Upload_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        StorageFile pictureSelect = await pickerSelect.PickSingleFileAsync();
        StorageFolder folder = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
        await pictureSelect.CopyAsync(folder, "profile.jpg", NameCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);

In the method "InitializeProfilePicture" I create a new BitmapImage and I set ProfilePic to this. 在方法“ InitializeProfilePicture”中,创建一个新的BitmapImage并将ProfilePic设置为此。 This code is just working once, if I run the InitializeProfilePicture in the start as I do now, and the user selects a new picture and uploads to the AppData folder, the image does not change (even though the picture is indeed uploaded). 如果我像现在一样从头开始运行InitializeProfilePicture,并且用户选择新图片并将其上传到AppData文件夹,则该代码仅会运行一次(即使图片确实已上传),该图像也不会更改。 If I remove the method from the start and just keep it in the Button_Click method, the new uploaded picture will be the one showing. 如果我从一开始就删除该方法,并将其保留在Button_Click方法中,则将显示新上传的图片。 But uploading a new picture after ProfilePic have set it's source, it will not change. 但是,在ProfilePic设置源之后上传新图片,它不会改变。

Image in Xaml is just like this Xaml中的图像就是这样

Image Width="480" Height="640" x:Name="ProfilePic" Grid.Row="1" Grid.RowSpan="2"

.. And there is also a button here to run Upload_Click method, but thats it. ..还有一个按钮可以运行Upload_Click方法,仅此而已。

Any idea why this is happening?? 知道为什么会这样吗? Should it not be updated?? 它不应该更新吗?

You could load a BitmapImage directly from file like this: 您可以像这样直接从文件中加载BitmapImage:

var imageFile = await picker.PickSingleFileAsync();
var bitmap = new BitmapImage();

using (var stream = await imageFile.OpenReadAsync())
    await bitmap.SetSourceAsync(stream);

ProfilePic.Source = bitmap;

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