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[英]Target one specific workbook among multiple workbooks

So I have this code to update links within my excel workbook 所以我有这段代码来更新我的excel工作簿中的链接

Dim alertTime As Date

Public Sub Refresh()
ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink (ActiveWorkbook.LinkSources)
'Workbooks("Requests").UpdateLink (Workbooks("Requests").LinkSources)
alertTime = Now + TimeValue("00:00:05") 'hh:mm:ss
    Application.OnTime alertTime, "Refresh"
Debug.Print Now() & " - Links Updated"

'MsgBox "5 Seconds have passed, refreshing", vbInformation, "Debug"

End Sub
Sub StopRefresh()
    Application.OnTime alertTime, "Refresh", , False
End Sub

The code works, but as soon as I open up another workbook and the refresh triggers and it errors out. 该代码有效,但是一旦我打开另一个工作簿和刷新触发器,它就会出错。 I want to be able to target that specific workbook for the refresh command. 我希望能够针对该特定工作簿进行刷新命令。

Any help is welcomed. 欢迎任何帮助。



Your statement ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink (ActiveWorkbook.LinkSources) updates the link in the "Active" Workbook. 您的语句ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink (ActiveWorkbook.LinkSources)更新了“活动”工作簿中的链接。 That's the workbook that you are currently working on. 那是您当前正在使用的工作簿。 When you open a new workbook, the new workbook becomes the active workbook. 当您打开一个新工作簿时,新工作簿将成为活动工作簿。

Instead of ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink (ActiveWorkbook.LinkSources) try this: 代替ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink (ActiveWorkbook.LinkSources)尝试以下操作:

Workbooks("nameOfWorkbook").UpdateLink (Workbooks("nameOfWorkbook").LinkSources)

Where nameOfWorkbook is the filename of the workbook (ie, filename, extension and path if necessary) for which you want to update links. 其中nameOfWorkbook是您要为其更新链接的工作簿的文件名(即文件名,扩展名和路径,如果需要) For example, 例如,

Workbooks("Requests.xlsb").UpdateLink (Workbooks("Requests.xlsb").LinkSources)

If the active directory is different than the directory in which Requests.xlsb is saved, then you must include the full path, like this: 如果活动目录与保存Requests.xlsb的目录不同,则必须包括完整路径,如下所示:

Workbooks("C:\Users\yourID\Documents\Requests.xlsb").UpdateLink _

or more concisely: 或更简而言之:

With Workbooks("C:\Users\yourID\Documents\Requests.xlsb")
    .UpdateLink .LinkSources
End with

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