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Target one specific workbook among multiple workbooks

So I have this code to update links within my excel workbook

Dim alertTime As Date

Public Sub Refresh()
ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink (ActiveWorkbook.LinkSources)
'Workbooks("Requests").UpdateLink (Workbooks("Requests").LinkSources)
alertTime = Now + TimeValue("00:00:05") 'hh:mm:ss
    Application.OnTime alertTime, "Refresh"
Debug.Print Now() & " - Links Updated"

'MsgBox "5 Seconds have passed, refreshing", vbInformation, "Debug"

End Sub
Sub StopRefresh()
    Application.OnTime alertTime, "Refresh", , False
End Sub

The code works, but as soon as I open up another workbook and the refresh triggers and it errors out. I want to be able to target that specific workbook for the refresh command.

Any help is welcomed.



Your statement ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink (ActiveWorkbook.LinkSources) updates the link in the "Active" Workbook. That's the workbook that you are currently working on. When you open a new workbook, the new workbook becomes the active workbook.

Instead of ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink (ActiveWorkbook.LinkSources) try this:

Workbooks("nameOfWorkbook").UpdateLink (Workbooks("nameOfWorkbook").LinkSources)

Where nameOfWorkbook is the filename of the workbook (ie, filename, extension and path if necessary) for which you want to update links. For example,

Workbooks("Requests.xlsb").UpdateLink (Workbooks("Requests.xlsb").LinkSources)

If the active directory is different than the directory in which Requests.xlsb is saved, then you must include the full path, like this:

Workbooks("C:\Users\yourID\Documents\Requests.xlsb").UpdateLink _

or more concisely:

With Workbooks("C:\Users\yourID\Documents\Requests.xlsb")
    .UpdateLink .LinkSources
End with

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