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C ++游戏时钟计时器

[英]C++ Game Clock Timer

I have this code that makes a working timer that fits perfectly for my game! 我有这段代码可以使计时器正常运行,非常适合我的游戏! It does everything right, their is just once small issue. 它做对了所有事情,这只是一个小问题。 When ever the clockTicker less than 10, the clock displays the time like 0:4, instead I want it to display like 0:04. 每当clockTicker小于10时,时钟就会将时间显示为0:4,而我希望它显示为0:04。 I tried this code out, cout << setfill('0') << setw(2) << clockTicker. 我尝试了这段代码,cout << setfill('0')<< setw(2)<< clockTicker。 Which works perfectly! 哪个完美! The 0 will only in front of the number when it's less than 10! 当数字小于10时,数字0才在数字前面! But I need to save the clockTicker in a text document for my game also, which technically. 但是我也需要将ClockTicker保存在游戏的文本文件中,从技术上讲。 The 0 doesn't "save" itself in front of the int. 0不会在int之前“保存”自身。 So my question is, if the clockTicker is less than zero, how can I add a 0 in front of the number, AND save it into the variable like so. 所以我的问题是,如果clockTicker小于零,如何在数字前添加0,然后将其保存到变量中呢? Example: 0:08. 例如:0:08。 1:04 1:04

#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>

using namespace std;

void clickTime(int &, int, const int);  // Timer for the display clock

//---- Display Clock----------------------------------------
const int Time = 0;
int Minute = 0;
int loopRepeats = 0;
int clockTicker = Time; 

bool stoptimer = false;
// Set position of text
void CPos(int x, int y)
    COORD cPos;
    cPos.X = x;
    cPos.Y = y; 
    SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), cPos);
int main()

    while(stoptimer == false)
        CPos(0, 0); cout << " Time is:         ";
        cout << Minute << ":" << clockTicker;
        Sleep(100);     // This is the game of the game's speed

    return 0;

void clickTime(int &time, int loops, const int Time)
if(stoptimer == false)
    // This tells the program after the loop repeats 7 times, to decrement a second!
     if((loops % 8) == 7){

     // This says if timer is 60 seconds, add a minute, reset time!
     if(time == 60){
        clockTicker = 0;
    } // end if

You don't. 你不知道

Numbers are numbers are numbers are numbers. 数字就是数字数字就是数字。 Not decimal, human-readable representations. 不是十进制的人类可读的表示形式。 They are numbers . 他们是数字 They don't have zero-padding. 他们没有零填充。 Zero-padding only affects serialisation . 零填充仅影响序列化

You have correctly discovered how to zero-pad a number when you serialise it into std::cout ; 您已经正确地发现了将数字序列化为std::cout时如何将数字零填充; now simply do the same when you serialise it into a std::ofstream . 现在,当您将其序列化为std::ofstream时,只需执行相同的操作即可。 They are both output streams, with the same interface: that you're streaming into a text file rather than to console does not matter. 它们都是输出流,具有相同的接口:您正在流式传输到文本文件中而不是要控制台。

Wouldn't a simple if statement do the job? 一个简单的if语句能完成这项工作吗?

int main()
    string separator; // separator variable
    while(stoptimer == false)
        CPos(0, 0); cout << " Time is:         ";
        if(clockTicker < 10) // check if it is neccesary to adapt the separator
            separator = ":0"; // include a 0 in the separator
            separator = ":"; // else don't

        cout << Minute << separator << clockTicker; // use a variable instead of a set value

        Sleep(100);     // This is the game of the game's speed

    return 0;

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