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Haskell - 在Rose Tree上映射函数

[英]Haskell - Mapping a function over a Rose Tree

If I define a Rose tree as 如果我将玫瑰树定义为

data RTree = Node a [RTree a]
    deriving(Show, Eq)

How would I go about defining a map function for it? 我该如何为它定义地图功能? The map function is to be defined as map函数定义为

map_rose_tree :: (a -> b) -> RTree a -> RTree b

The easiest way is to enable the DeriveFunctor extension and derive Functor : 最简单的方法是启用DeriveFunctor扩展并derive Functor

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}

data RTree a
    = Node a [RTree a]
    deriving (Show, Eq, Functor)

map_rose_tree = fmap

But if you wanted to define the instance yourself you'll need to pattern match on the RTree constructor: 但是如果你想自己定义实例,你需要在RTree构造函数上进行模式匹配:

instance Functor RTree where
    fmap f (Node a children) = Node _ _

You'll have to fill in the two _ yourself. 你必须自己填写两个_ If you have a new enough version of GHC, you can compile this and get errors telling you the types of the holes ( _ ) along with relevant bindings that you can use to implement it. 如果你有一个足够新的GHC版本,你可以编译它并得到错误,告诉你洞的类型( _ )以及你可以用来实现它的相关绑定。 The first hole is pretty easy, the second one is a little more challenging, but I assure you it can be solved with only fmap , f , a , and children . 第一个洞非常简单,第二个洞更具挑战性,但我向你保证只有fmapfachildren才能解决。

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