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从CMake中的REGEX REPLACE中排除包含特定字符串的行

[英]Excluding lines containing a specific string from REGEX REPLACE in CMake

This is my first post but I have been using StackOverflow for years. 这是我的第一篇文章,但多年来我一直在使用StackOverflow。 Thanks for helping me every time. 感谢您每次的帮助。

I am writing a script in CMake that is supposed to rewrite a portion of a .cfg file (it is the resources.cfg file from Ogre 3D engine) so that: 我正在CMake中编写一个脚本,该脚本应该重写.cfg文件的一部分(它是Ogre 3D引擎的resources.cfg文件),以便:

  • when running config with cmake, absolute paths are set according to the system 使用cmake运行config时,将根据系统设置绝对路径
  • when installing, all files are copied into a folder and relative paths are set instead 安装时,将所有文件复制到文件夹中,并设置相对路径

I will focus only on the first part, since they are both similar. 我将只关注第一部分,因为它们两者相似。 This is the resource file I am working on: 这是我正在处理的资源文件:

# Resources required by the sample browser and most samples.

# Resource locations to be added to the default path
FileSystem=../media #local

My current strategy is that only lines without the #local identifier should be affected by the REGEX REPLACE statement. 我当前的策略是,只有没有#local标识符的行才应受到REGEX REPLACE语句的影响。 My current code is: 我当前的代码是:

file(READ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cfg/resources.cfg RESOURCES_FILE)

which basically replaces all /media occurrences. 基本上取代了所有/media事件。 I need to replace the stufftochange (that can be ANYTHING that is before string media ) only if #local is not at the end of the line. 仅在#local不在行末时,我才需要替换一下stufftochange (可以是字符串media之前的任何东西)。 I tried to modify the matching expression in lots of ways but, when I do, only the first and last line are replaced properly. 我试图以多种方式修改匹配的表达式,但是当我这样做时,只有第一行和最后一行被正确替换。 I suspect that it has to do with the line endings. 我怀疑这与行尾有关。

These are some of the expressions I tried, without luck: 这些是我尝试过的一些表达式,没有运气:

([^ #]*)=[^ ]*/media([^#\n$]*)
=[^ ]*/media([^#\n$]*)
/media([^# ]*)
/media([^#\n ]*)

Of course I used \\\\1 and \\\\2 to save the parts of the string that I want to keep. 当然,我使用\\\\1\\\\2来保存要保留的字符串部分。

I did a few searches on google and stackoverflow but couldn't find a proper solution or guide for using CMake's regex replace (and documentation is very basic). 我在google和stackoverflow上进行了一些搜索,但是找不到使用CMake的正则表达式替换的正确解决方案或指南(并且文档非常基础)。 Any idea what my holy grail match expression would be? 知道我的圣杯比赛表情是什么吗?

CMake's regex syntax and documentation are pretty limited. CMake的正则表达式语法和文档非常有限。 I'd favour turning the file's contents into a list of strings, each string being a line in the file. 我倾向于将文件的内容转换为字符串列表,每个字符串都是文件中的一行。 Iterating these makes the regex much simpler: 迭代这些使正则表达式简单得多:

set(SourceFile "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cfg/resources.cfg")
file(READ ${SourceFile} Contents)

# Set the variable "Esc" to the ASCII value 27 - basically something
# which is unlikely to conflict with anything in the file contents.
string(ASCII 27 Esc)

# Turn the contents into a list of strings, each ending with an Esc.
# This allows us to preserve blank lines in the file since CMake
# automatically prunes empty list items during a foreach loop.
string(REGEX REPLACE "\n" "${Esc};" ContentsAsList "${Contents}")

foreach(Line ${ContentsAsList})
  # Don't modify the line if it contains #local at the end.
  if(NOT "${Line}" MATCHES "#local${Esc}$")
    string(REGEX REPLACE "=.*/media" "=${OGRE_HOME_BACKSLASHES}/media" Line ${Line})
  # Swap the appended Esc character back out in favour of a line feed
  string(REGEX REPLACE "${Esc}" "\n" Line ${Line})
  set(ModifiedContents "${ModifiedContents}${Line}")
file(WRITE ${SourceFile} ${ModifiedContents})

If you don't care about preserving blank lines, you can use file(STRINGS ...) to read in the file, which makes life a bit simpler: 如果您不关心保留空白行,则可以使用file(STRINGS ...)来读取文件,这使工作变得更简单:

set(SourceFile "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cfg/resources.cfg")
file(STRINGS ${SourceFile} Contents)

foreach(Line ${Contents})
  # Don't modify the line if it contains #local at the end.
  if(NOT "${Line}" MATCHES "#local$")
    string(REGEX REPLACE
        Line ${Line})
  set(ModifiedContents "${ModifiedContents}${Line}\n")
file(WRITE ${SourceFile} ${ModifiedContents})

Probably the best description of CMake's regex syntax is found in the docs for string . 可能在docs文档中找到string的CMake regex语法的最佳描述。

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