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[英]How the function auto.arima() in R determines d?

R中的auto.arima()函数用于确定平稳性(即确定“ d”的值)的测试是什么?可以在python中实现该逻辑吗?

This link says it is determined using repeated KPSS tests. 链接表示,它是使用重复的KPSS测试确定的。 I see no reason why it couldn't be implemented in Python, it would just need to be written. 我认为没有理由为什么不能在Python中实现它,它只需要编写即可。 Otherwise, you could use rpy2 and just call auto.arima from python. 否则,您可以使用rpy2auto.arima python调用auto.arima

from rpy2 import *
import rpy2.robjects as RO


# use example WWWusage data
RO.r('fit <- auto.arima(WWWusage)')

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