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[英]How to read every .csv file in R and export them into single large file

Hi so I have a data in the following format 嗨,我有以下格式的数据


and I have been reading them and cleaning/formating them by this code 我一直在阅读它们,并通过此代码对其进行清洁/格式化

b <- read.table("sid-101-20130826T155649.csv", sep = ',', fill=TRUE, col.names=paste("V", 1:18,sep="") )
b$id<- b[1,1]

and so on There are about 300 files like this, and ideally they will all compiled without the first two lines, since the first line is just id and I made a separate column to identity these data. 依此类推,大约有300个这样的文件,理想情况下,它们都将在没有前两行的情况下进行编译,因为第一行只是id,我创建了一个单独的列来标识这些数据。 Does anyone know how to read these table quickly and clean and format the way I want then compile them into a large file and export them? 有谁知道如何快速读取这些表并清理和格式化我想要的方式,然后将它们编译成大文件并导出?

You can use lapply to read all the files, clean and format them, and store the resulting data frames in a list. 您可以使用lapply读取所有文件,清理并格式化它们,并将结果数据帧存储在列表中。 Then use do.call to combine all of the data frames into single large data frame. 然后使用do.call将所有数据帧组合为单个大数据帧。

# Get vector of files names to read
files.to.load = list.files(pattern="csv$")

# Read the files
df.list = lapply(files.to.load, function(file) {
   df = read.table(file, sep = ',', fill=TRUE, col.names=paste("V", 1:18,sep=""))
   ... # Cleaning and formatting code goes here
   df$file.name = file  # In case you need to know which file each row came from

# Combine into a single data frame
df.combined = do.call(rbind, df.list)

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