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类 Python C++ 装饰器

[英]Python-like C++ decorators

Are there ways to decorate functions or methods in C++ like in python style?有没有办法像 Python 风格一样在 C++ 中装饰函数或方法?

def decorated(self, *args, **kwargs):

Using macros for example:例如使用宏:

int decorated(int a, float b = 0)
    return 0;


void decorated(mytype& a, mytype2* b)

Is it possible?可能吗?

std::function provides most of the building blocks for my proposed solution.std::function为我提出的解决方案提供了大部分构建块。

Here is my proposed solution.这是我提出的解决方案。

#include <iostream>
#include <functional>

// BEGIN decorator implementation

template <class> struct Decorator;

template <class R, class... Args>
struct Decorator<R(Args ...)>
   Decorator(std::function<R(Args ...)> f) : f_(f) {}

   R operator()(Args ... args)
      std::cout << "Calling the decorated function.\n";
      return f_(args...);
   std::function<R(Args ...)> f_;

template<class R, class... Args>
Decorator<R(Args...)> makeDecorator(R (*f)(Args ...))
   return Decorator<R(Args...)>(std::function<R(Args...)>(f));

// END decorator implementation

// Sample functions to decorate.

// Proposed solution doesn't work with default values.
// int decorated1(int a, float b = 0)
int decorated1(int a, float b)
   std::cout << "a = " << a << ", b = " << b << std::endl;
   return 0;

void decorated2(int a)
   std::cout << "a = " << a << std::endl;

int main()
   auto method1 = makeDecorator(decorated1);
   method1(10, 30.3);
   auto method2 = makeDecorator(decorated2);


Calling the decorated function.
a = 10, b = 30.3
Calling the decorated function.
a = 10


Decorator provides a place where you can add functionality beyond making the function call. Decorator提供了一个地方,您可以在其中添加功能调用之外的功能。 If you want a simple pass through to std::function , you can use:如果你想简单地传递到std::function ,你可以使用:

template<class R, class... Args >
std::function<R(Args...)> makeDecorator(R (*f)(Args ...))
   return std::function<R(Args...)>(f);

Here is my attempt.这是我的尝试。 Works under C++14 (generic lambdas and return type deduction).在 C++14 下工作(通用 lambda 和返回类型推导)。

#include <iostream>
#include <functional>

/* Decorator function example,
   returns negative (! operator) of given function
template <typename T>
auto reverse_func(T func)
    auto r_func =
    [=](auto ...args)
        return !func(args...); 

    return r_func; 

/* Decorator function example,
   prints result of given function before it's returned
template <typename T>
auto print_result_func(T func)
    auto r_func = 
    [=](auto ...args)
        auto result = func(args...);
        std::cout << "Result: " << result << std::endl;
        return result;

    return r_func;

/* Function to be decorated example,
   checks whether two given arguments are equal
bool cmp(int x, int y)
    return x == y;

/* Decorator macro */
#define DECORATE(function, decorator) \

int main()
    auto reversed = DECORATE(cmp, reverse_func);
    auto print_normal = DECORATE(cmp, print_result_func);
    auto print_reversed = DECORATE(reversed, print_result_func);
    auto print_double_normal = DECORATE(print_normal, print_result_func);
    auto print_double_reversed = DECORATE(print_reversed, print_result_func);

    std::cout << cmp(1,2) << reversed(1,2) << std::endl;

Here's a project on github that's pretty much a short tutorial on how to achieve this behavior for C++14 and up.这是 github 上的一个项目,它几乎是关于如何在 C++14 及更高版本中实现此行为的简短教程。 It's a very flexible design and can decorate non-static functions as well.这是一个非常灵活的设计,也可以装饰非静态功能。 The author doesn't use anything complex either:作者也没有使用任何复杂的东西:

https://github.com/TheMaverickProgrammer/C-Python-like-Decorators https://github.com/TheMaverickProgrammer/C-Python-like-Decorators

You can get some limited functionality of this type using the token-pasting pre-processing operator ##.您可以使用令牌粘贴预处理运算符## 获得这种类型的一些有限功能。 See https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/cpp/Concatenation.html .请参阅https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/cpp/Concatenation.html The difficulty is that in C every function name must be defined at link time, so functions are not objects that can be transformed like Python does.困难在于,在 C 中,每个函数名都必须在链接时定义,因此函数不是可以像 Python 那样转换的对象。 So in Python decorators are useful and good style, but in C such tricks should be used sparingly if at all.因此,在 Python 中,装饰器是有用且良好的风格,但在 C 中,如果有的话,应该谨慎使用这些技巧。

All the answers above are complicated and uses libraries.上面所有的答案都很复杂并且使用库。 My answer here is by far the most simple and doesn't need any library header.我的答案是迄今为止最简单的,不需要任何库头。

    // "DECORATOR.h"
    #pragma once
    #ifndef DECORATOR_H
    #define DECORATOR_H

    template<typename T>
    class deco
        T* m_func;
        explicit deco(T func);

        template<typename ...args>
        auto operator()(args... Args);
    #endif // DECORATOR_H

Now in the Implementation file do the following现在在实施文件中执行以下操作

   // "DECORATOR.cpp"
   template<typename T>
   inline deco<T>::deco(T func)

   // implementing the function call operator
   template <typename T>
   template <typename ...args>
   auto deco<T>::operator()(args ...Args)
       //Do some stuff defore the decorated function call
       // ....
       // Call the decorated function.
       auto rv = m_func(Args...);

       //Do some stuff after the function call
       // ....
       return rv;

End of the story.故事的结局。 Now this is how to use it in your code.现在这是在您的代码中使用它的方法。

    // "main.cpp"
    #include "DECORATOR.h"
    #include <stdio.h>  // just for printf()

    // functions to decorate
    int add(int a, int b)
        return a+b;

    int sub(int a, int b)
        return a-b;

    // Main function
    int main()
        // decorate the functions "add", "sub"
        deco<decltype(add)> add_Deco(add);
        deco<decltype(sub)> sub_Deco(sub);

        // call your decorated functions
        printf("result of decorated Add =%d\n", add_Deco(5,2));
        printf("result of decorated Sub =%d\n", sub_Deco(4,3));
        return 0;

This is it Folks!这就是人!


  • The CLASS "deco" has only one data member => small memory foot print CLASS "deco" 只有一个数据成员 => 小内存占用

  • the operator() takes any number of arguments, so you can decorate any function regardless of its number of arguments. operator() 接受任意数量的参数,因此您可以装饰任何函数,无论其参数数量如何。

  • Simple implementation => simple debugging and testing.简单的实现 => 简单的调试和测试。


  • none known!无人知晓!

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