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类似Python的动态参数在C ++中解压缩?

[英]Python-like dynamic argument unpacking in C++?

I have a std::map<int, std::vector<MyClass>> and a function that accepts a dynamic number of iterators, specifically iter::zip_longest . 我有一个std::map<int, std::vector<MyClass>>和一个接受动态数量的迭代器的函数,特别是iter::zip_longest

I want to pass the vectors I have in the map to zip_longest , but given that there are a dynamic number of vectors in the map, I'm not seeing a straightforward way to achieve this. 我想将地图中的矢量传递给zip_longest ,但鉴于地图中有一些动态的矢量,我没有看到实现这一目标的简单方法。 I know that it's doable with compile time constants using templates and sizeof , however I can't specify this at compile time. 我知道使用模板和sizeof编译时常量是可行的,但我不能在编译时指定它。

What I essentially want to do is 我基本上想做的是

std::vector<std::vector<MyClass>*> all_vectors;
for (const auto it : my_map) {
for (const auto it : iter::zip_longest(*all_vectors)) {  // <-- Here using *all_vectors to unpack like in Python.
  // Do stuff here

Let me also say that I am aware that this can be achieved through other means than zip_longest , I'm just wondering if there is a clean way for me to use this existing function. 我还要说,我知道这可以通过zip_longest之外的其他方式实现,我只是想知道是否有一种干净的方式让我使用这个现有的功能。

C++ is a statically typed language. C ++是一种静态类型语言。 zip_longest is a function that produces a zip iterator based on the number of parameters that it gets. zip_longest是一个根据获取的参数数量生成zip迭代器的函数。 But the number of parameters a function gets is a static quantity in C++. 但是函数获得的参数数量是C ++中的静态数量。 If you need to give a function a runtime number of values, then you have to provide a runtime range or container or something of that sort. 如果需要为函数提供运行时数量的值,则必须提供运行时范围或容器或类似的东西。 And zip_longest isn't built for that. 并且zip_longest不是zip_longest而构建的。

The static type system of C++ is static. C ++的静态类型系统是静态的。 You have a dynamic number of elements in that vector. 您在该向量中有动态数量的元素。 So you cannot have the static type system of C++ process the result, barring some fancy "generate all static types up to N then dispatch to it" that is reasonably inefficient and not all that wealdly. 所以你不能让C ++的静态类型系统处理结果,除非有一些花哨的“生成所有静态类型直到N然后调度到它”,这是相当低效的而不是所有那些。

zip_longest is not a function. zip_longest 不是一个功能。 It is a function template. 它是一个功能模板。 A function template generates a function, often at the call site, by statically examining its arguments. 函数模板通常在调用站点通过静态检查其参数来生成函数。

Now, it would be quite possible to create an iterator that, given a dynamic vector of containers, returns a dynamic vector of elements. 现在,很有可能创建一个迭代器,给定动态容器向量,返回元素的动态向量。 The dynamic information in the source argument -- the number of elements -- corresponds to the dynamic elements in the type returned. source参数中的动态信息 - 元素数 - 对应于返回类型中的动态元素。

So something like this is possible: 所以这样的事情是可能的:

std::vector<std::vector<MyClass>*> all_vectors;
for (const auto it : my_map) {
for (const auto& elems : vec_zip_longest(all_vectors)) {
  // elems is a vector of boost::optional<std::ref<MyClass*>>
  // Do stuff here

doing this for the restricted case of just for(:) loops would look something like: 为for(:)循环的受限情况执行此操作将类似于:

template<class C>
struct vec_zip_longest {
  using elem_iterator = decltype( std::begin( std::declval<C&>() ) );
  using elem = std::decay_t< decltype( *std::declval<elem_iterator&>() ) >;
  std::vector< std::optional<elem_iterator> > current;
  std::vector< elem_iterator > finish;

    vec_zip_longest( std::vector<C>& vec ) {
        for (auto&& c : vec )
            current.emplace_back( std::begin(c) );
            finish.emplace_back( std::end(c) );
            if (current.back() == finish.back())
                current.back() = {};

  bool advance() {
    bool retval = false;
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < current.size(); ++i) {
      auto& it = current[i];
      //std::cerr << "advancing\n";
      if (!it)
        //std::cerr << "already done\n";
      if (*it == finish[i]) {
        //std::cerr << "reached end\n";
        it = std::nullopt;
      //std::cerr << "advanced\n";
      retval = true;
    return retval;
  struct iterator {
    vec_zip_longest* parent = nullptr;
    friend bool operator==(iterator const& lhs, iterator const& rhs) {
      return lhs.parent == rhs.parent;
    friend bool operator!=(iterator const& lhs, iterator const& rhs) {
      return lhs.parent != rhs.parent;
    void operator++()& {
        parent = nullptr;
    auto operator*() {
      std::vector<std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<elem>>> retval;
      for(auto&& oit:parent->current) {
        //std::cerr << "getting element\n";
        if (oit) {
          //std::cerr << "something there\n";
        } else {
          //std::cerr << "nothing there\n";
      return retval;
  iterator begin() {
    return {this};
  iterator end() {
    return {};
template<class C>

in , Live example . 实例

A "more proper" iterator would take a bit more boilerplate, and you could not technically make it stronger than an input iterator. 一个“更合适”的迭代器需要更多的样板,并且你在技术上不能使它比输入迭代器更强大。 Also having support for non-member begin / end takes more work which I skipped here. 同样支持非成员begin / end需要更多的工作,我在这里跳过。

Test code: 测试代码:

std::vector<std::vector<int>> foo{ {1,2,3}, {4,5}, {6} };
vec_zip_longest zip { foo };
for (auto&& c:zip)
    for (auto&& e : c ) {
        if (e)
            std::cout << *e << ",";
    std::cout << "\n";

output is: 输出是:

 1,4,6, 2,5, 3, 

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