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C#获取char *类型的实例

[英]C# Get Instance of type char*

is it possible to get an instance of an pointer during runtime? 是否有可能在运行时获取指针的实例? Something like: 就像是:

Type x = typeof(char*);

How do I get a instance of this pointer? 我如何获得该指针的实例? The problem is that I only have a Object with an Type inside. 问题是我只有一个带有类型的对象。 And I know that the Type is a pointer. 而且我知道Type是一个指针。 But now I need a instance of the pointer. 但是现在我需要一个指针实例。

You can: 您可以:

Type typeChar = typeof(char);
Type ptrChar = typeChar.MakePointerType(); // char*

and back: 然后回来:

if (ptrChar.IsPointer)
    Type typeChar2 = ptrChar.GetElementType(); // char

But perhaps what you want is something different: 但是也许您想要的是不同的东西:

public class TestBool
    unsafe public void Test(bool* pointer)
        *pointer = true;

    public void Test2(ref bool reference)
        reference = true;

public class TestChar
    unsafe public void Test(char* pointer)
        *pointer = 'A';

    public void Test2(ref char reference)
        reference = 'B';

public static void TestPointer(object obj, Type parType)
    var pointerMethod = obj.GetType().GetMethod("Test");

    Type parType2;

    // Non-blittable types aren't directly supported. 
    // See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/75dwhxf7.aspx
    // We cheat a little.
    if (parType == typeof(bool))
        parType2 = typeof(byte);
    else if (parType == typeof(char))
        parType2 = typeof(short);
    else if (parType.IsEnum)
        parType2 = Enum.GetUnderlyingType(parType);
        parType2 = parType;

    object obj2 = Activator.CreateInstance(parType2);
    GCHandle handle = default(GCHandle);

        handle = GCHandle.Alloc(obj2, GCHandleType.Pinned);

        pointerMethod.Invoke(obj, new object[] { handle.AddrOfPinnedObject() });
        if (handle.IsAllocated)

    if (parType == typeof(bool))
        obj2 = (byte)obj2 != 0;
    else if (parType == typeof(char))
        obj2 = (char)(short)obj2;
    else if (parType.IsEnum)
        obj2 = Enum.ToObject(parType, obj2);


public static void TestReference(object obj, Type parType)
    var referenceMethod = obj.GetType().GetMethod("Test2");

    object obj2 = Activator.CreateInstance(parType);
    var pars = new object[] { obj2 };

    referenceMethod.Invoke(obj, pars);


private static void Main(string[] args)
        var obj = new TestBool();
        TestPointer(obj, typeof(bool));
        TestReference(obj, typeof(bool));

        var obj = new TestChar();
        TestPointer(obj, typeof(char));
        TestReference(obj, typeof(char));

See how for the TestPointer , ignoring some problems with non-blittable types, I simply use GCHandle to obtain a pointer to the value and then pass it directly to the method. 看看TestPointer ,忽略非可迁移类型的一些问题,我简单地使用GCHandle来获取指向该值的指针,然后将其直接传递给该方法。 No unsafe code necessary :-) 无需不安全的代码:-)

For TestReference it is much easier: I only need to create the parameters array separately, and then the CLR will put in that array the modified values. 对于TestReference它要容易得多:我只需要单独创建parameters数组,然后CLR会将修改后的值放入该数组。

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