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[英]ActiveMQ Not Taking Messages off Queue

I recently upgraded a server from ActiveMQ from 5.8 to the latest (5.11.1). 我最近将服务器从ActiveMQ的5.8升级到了最新的(5.11.1)。 Since then, I've noticed somewhat sporadically that messages will build up on a particular queue and not be taken off. 从那时起,我偶尔会注意到消息将建立在特定的队列上而不被删除。

Our architecture has one producer, one consumer. 我们的体系结构只有一个生产者,一个消费者。 I can see that the consumer is still connected but messages are piling up from the producer. 我可以看到使用者仍处于连接状态,但生产者正在堆积消息。 My solution has been to delete the queue via the web console. 我的解决方案是通过Web控制台删除队列。 After which, I immediately see the consumer reconnect and messages begin being processed again. 之后,我立即看到使用者重新连接,并且消息再次开始处理。

If it's relevant, in this case the producer is running NMS on .NET and the consumer is running JMS on Java 1.7. 如果相关,在这种情况下,生产者在.NET上运行NMS,而消费者在Java 1.7上运行JMS。

When the consumer is connected to the queue, please check the number of uncommitted messages in the queue from the web console. 当使用者连接到队列时,请从Web控制台检查队列中未提交的消息数。 If it is more than zero and does not change for a long time, it means your consumer is having some problem in reading the input message. 如果它大于零并且长时间不更改,则意味着您的消费者在阅读输入消息时遇到了一些问题。

If the above case is true, it could be because the producer is sending files that is not jms complaint. 如果以上情况属实,则可能是由于生产者发送的文件不是jms投诉。

I recently ran into this issue while creating a utility to move all messages from one queue into another. 我最近在创建一个实用程序将所有消息从一个队列移到另一个队列时遇到了这个问题。

I could see that I was connected to my instance of AMQ, and I could see the listener that I had created, but they just would not move from Pending to my listener... 我可以看到我已经连接到我的AMQ实例,并且可以看到我创建的侦听器,但是它们只是不会从Pending转到我的侦听器...

I had forgotten to call Start() on my queue connection. 我忘记了在队列连接上调用Start()。 :/ :/

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