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[英]ActiveMQ:How to consume the Messages on a queue based on a specified time period

I have a queue and i need to consume the messages based on a specific time period.Let say, for every five minutes i need to start consuming the messages and process them. 我有一个队列,我需要根据特定时间段使用消息。让我说,每五分钟我需要开始使用消息并进行处理。 Currently i am using a timer to trigger the route and process the messages but the below code is not working. 目前,我正在使用计时器来触发路由并处理消息,但是以下代码不起作用。

The below code is from my blueprint 下面的代码来自我的蓝图

Route: 路线:

timer value="timer://errorMessageProcessorTimer?period=120000" 计时器值=“ timer:// errorMessageProcessorTimer?period = 120000”

errorqueue.in value="activemq:Q.ERROR" errorqueue.in value =“ activemq:Q.ERROR”

<camelContext xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/blueprint">

    <route id="errorNotificationFilterRoute">
        <from uri="{{timer}}"/>
        <to uri="direct:processErrorMessage"/>

    <route id="processErrorMessage">
        <from uri="direct:processErrorMessage"/>
        <from uri="{{errorqueue.in}}" />
        <log loggingLevel="INFO" logName="errormessage" message="Error Notification Queue reading the error message..." />
            <simple>${body} contains 'xxxxx'</simple>
            <to uri="file:C:\\datafiles\\output"/>
            <log loggingLevel="INFO" logName="errormessage" message="Error message processed succesfully...." />          


It is not possible to have two from Tags in one Route! 这是不可能有两个from标签在一个路线!

Take a look to the Enterprise Integration Patterns . 看一看企业集成模式 There is something called Throttler. 有一种叫做Throttler的东西。 Maybe this helps you. 也许这对您有帮助。

The Throttler Pattern allows you to ensure that a specific endpoint does not get overloaded, or that we don't exceed an agreed SLA with some external service. Throttler模式可让您确保特定的端点不会过载,或者我们不会超出某些外部服务的商定SLA。

<route id="processErrorMessage">
  <from uri="{{errorqueue.in}}" />
  <!-- throttle 3 messages per 10 sec -->
  <throttle maximumRequestsPerPeriod="3" timePeriodMillis="10000">
  <log loggingLevel="INFO" logName="errormessage" message="Error Notification Queue reading the error message..." />

See the control bus EIP pattern how you can send a message to a 'controlbus' endpoint and have it start/stop rotues. 查看控制总线EIP模式,如何将消息发送到“控制总线”端点并使其启动/停止。

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