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[英]Implementing the From trait for a ParseIntError

When using the try! 使用时试试! macro, it uses the From trait to transform an error into the desired error. 宏,它使用From特性将错误转换为所需的错误。

I would like to transform some errors into my own type. 我想将一些错误转换为我自己的类型。 This goes great for eg io::Error, but I can't get it to work for an error type from core. 这对于io :: Error非常有用,但是我无法从核心将其用于错误类型。

use std::io;

pub struct ParserError {
    pub message: String,

impl From<io::Error> for ParserError {
    fn from(e: io::Error) -> ParserError {
        ParserError{message: format!("Generic IO error: {}", e.description())}

This works well for doing try! 这很适合尝试! on anything io. 在任何东西上。 But now for parsing: 但是现在进行解析:

fn parse_string(s: &str) -> Result<u64, ParserError> {
    let i = try!(s.parse::<u64>());
    return Ok(i);

My error says: 我的错误说:

error: the trait core::convert::From<parser::ParserError> is not implemented for the type `core::num::ParseIntError 错误:特征类型core::convert::From<parser::ParserError>未实现,类型为core :: num :: ParseIntError

I tried to implement this From: 我尝试实现此发件人:

impl From<core::num::ParseIntError> for ParserError {
    fn from(_: core::num::ParseIntError) -> ParserError {
        ParserError{message: "Invalid data type".to_string()}

But I can't get core imported. 但是我无法导入核心。 How to do this? 这个怎么做?

The modules from core are reexported by std . 来自core的模块由std You can fix your error by just replacing core by std in your code: 您可以通过在代码中用std替换core来解决错误:

impl From<std::num::ParseIntError> for ParserError {
    fn from(_: std::num::ParseIntError) -> ParserError {
        ParserError{message: "Invalid data type".to_string()}

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