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[英]How to select DataFrame columns for plotting in Pandas?

I have a python DataFrame from Pandas 我有一个来自Pandas的python DataFrame

waitEvent   instance    snapDate    gc cr block 3-way   gc current block 3-way  log file sync

Every time I construct this DataFrame, the number and name of columns after the snapDate are different. 每次构造此DataFrame时,snapDate之后的列数和名称都不同。

I would need to construct a new DataFrame by selecting snapDate as the indexcolumn but the remaining columns should be dynamically selected for plotting any ideas. 我将需要通过选择snapDate作为索引列来构造一个新的DataFrame,但是应该动态选择其余的列以绘制任何想法。 How can I achieve this? 我该如何实现?

for the df above, I should always select the snapDate column and all the columns after the snapDate column 对于上面的df ,我应该始终选择snapDate列以及snapDate列之后的snapDate

The number and name of the columns after the snapDate column will vary. snapDate列之后的列数和名称将有所不同。

My objective is to do 我的目标是


I want to create a plot from the DataFrame by always picking the SnapDate column and the remaining columns which depending on the DataFrame could be 2 or 3 or 4 etc. 我想通过始终选择SnapDate列和其余列(根据DataFrame可能是2或3或4等)从DataFrame创建图。

You can use get_loc to get the index position of the column of interest and then use this to index your df: 您可以使用get_loc获取感兴趣列的索引位置,然后使用它来索引df:

In [374]:
cols = ['waitEvent','instance','snapDate','gc cr block 3-way','gc current block 3-way','log file sync']
df = pd.DataFrame(columns = cols)

Empty DataFrame
Columns: [waitEvent, instance, snapDate, gc cr block 3-way, gc current block 3-way, log file sync]
Index: []

In [378]:    
snapDateIdx = df.columns.get_loc('snapDate')


In [379]:

Empty DataFrame
Columns: [snapDate, gc cr block 3-way, gc current block 3-way, log file sync]
Index: []

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