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如何使用scala或python在apache spark中运行多线程作业?

[英]How to run Multi threaded jobs in apache spark using scala or python?

I am facing a problem related to concurrency in spark which is stopping me from using it in production but I know there is a way out of it. 我正面临一个与spark并发相关的问题,这阻碍了我在生产中使用它,但我知道有一条出路。 I am trying to run Spark ALS on 7 million users for a billion products using order history. 我正在尝试使用订单历史记录为700万用户运行Spark ALS。 Firstly I am taking a list of distinct Users and then running a loop on these users to get recommendations, which is pretty slow process and will take days to get recommendations for all users. 首先,我将获取不同用户的列表,然后对这些用户运行循环以获取建议,这是一个非常缓慢的过程,需要几天时间才能获得所有用户的建议。 I tried doing cartesian users and products to get recommendations for all at once but again to feed this to elasticsearch I have to filter and sort records for each users and only then I can feed it to elasticsearch to be consumed by other APIs. 我尝试用笛卡尔用户和产品一次性获取所有建议,但再次将其提供给elasticsearch我必须为每个用户过滤和排序记录,然后我才能将它提供给elasticsearch以供其他API使用。

So please suggest me a solution which is pretty scalable in such use case and to be used in production with realtime recommendations. 所以请建议我一个在这种用例中具有相当可扩展性的解决方案,并在生产中使用实时建议。

Here is my code snippet in scala which will give you an idea how I am currently approaching to solve the problem: 这是我在scala中的代码片段,它将让您了解我目前正在接近如何解决问题:

  //    buy_values -> RDD with Rating(<int user_id>, <int product_id>, <double rating>)
  def recommend_for_user(user: Int): Unit = {
      println("Recommendations for User ID: " + user);
      // Product IDs which are not bought by user 
      val candidates = buys_values
        .filter(x => x("customer_id").toString.toInt != user)
        .map(x => x("product_id").toString.toInt)
        .distinct().map((user, _))
      // find 30 products with top rating
      val recommendations = bestModel.get
        .takeOrdered(30)(Ordering[Double].reverse.on(x => x.rating))

      var i = 1
      var ESMap = Map[String, String]()
      recommendations.foreach { r =>
        ESMap += r.product.toString -> bitem_ids.value(r.product)
      //  push to elasticsearch with user as id
      client.execute {
        index into "recommendation" / "items" id user fields ESMap
      // remove candidate RDD from memory
  // iterate on each user to get recommendations for the user [slow process]

It is pretty clear that bottleneck in your program is a search for candidates . 很明显,你的计划中的瓶颈是搜索candidates Given the Spark architecture it severely limits your ability to parallelize and adds substantial overhead by starting Spark job for each user. 鉴于Spark架构,它严重限制了并行化的能力,并通过为每个用户启动Spark作业来增加大量开销。

Assuming typical scenario, with 7 million users and a billion products most of time you'll predict over a whole range of products minus few already bought by the user. 假设典型情况,大多数时间有700万用户十亿产品 ,您可以预测整个产品范围减去用户已经购买的少数产品。 At least in my opinion important question is why even bother with filtering. 至少在我看来,重要的问题是为什么甚至打扰过滤。 Even if you recommend product which has been previously bought is it really harmful? 即使您推荐以前购买的产品,它真的有害吗?

Unless you have very strict requirements I would simply ignore the problem and use MatrixFactorizationModel.recommendProductsForUsers which pretty much does all the job, excluding data export, for you. 除非你有非常严格的要求,否则我会忽略这个问题并使用MatrixFactorizationModel.recommendProductsForUsers ,它几乎完成所有工作,不包括数据导出。 After that you can perform bulk export and you're good to go. 之后,您可以执行批量导出,您很高兴。

Now lets say you have a clear no-duplicates policy. 现在假设你有一个明确的无重复政策。 Working under assumption that a typical user purchased only a relatively small number of products you can start with obtaining a set of products for each user: 在假设典型用户仅购买相对较少数量的产品的情况下工作,您可以从为每个用户获取一组产品开始:

val userProdSet = buy_values
    .map{case (user, product, _) => (user, product)} 
    .aggregateByKey(Set.empty[Int])((s, e) => s + e, (s1, s2) => s1 ++ s2)

Next you can simply map userProdSet to get predictions: 接下来,您只需映射userProdSet即可获得预测:

// Number of predictions for each user
val nPred = 30;

userProdSet.map{case (user, prodSet) => {
    val recommended = model
         // Find recommendations for user
        .recommendProducts(_, nPred + prodSet.size))
        // Filter to remove already purchased 
        .filter(rating => !prodSet.contains(rating.product))
        // Sort and limit
    (user, recommended)

You can improve further by using mutable sets for aggregation and by broadcasting the model but thats a general idea. 您可以通过使用可变集合进行聚合并通过广播模型来进一步改进,但这是一个大致的想法。

If number of user in user_ids is lower than number of user in a whole set ( buy_values ) you can simply filter userProdSet to keep only a subset of users. 如果user_ids中的用户数低于整个集合中的用户数( buy_values ),则可以简单地过滤userProdSet以仅保留用户的子集。


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