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[英]2d density contour plot with matplotlib

I'm attempting to plot my dataset, x and y (generated from a csv file via numpy.genfromtxt('/Users/.../somedata.csv', delimiter=',', unpack=True) ) as a simple density plot. 我正在尝试以简单的方式绘制我的数据集xy (通过numpy.genfromtxt('/Users/.../somedata.csv', delimiter=',', unpack=True)从csv文件生成numpy.genfromtxt('/Users/.../somedata.csv', delimiter=',', unpack=True) )密度图。 To ensure this is self containing I will define them here: 为了确保这是自包含的,我将在这里定义它们:

x = [ 0.2933215   0.2336305   0.2898058   0.2563835   0.1539951   0.1790058
  0.1957057   0.5048573   0.3302402   0.2896122   0.4154893   0.4948401
  0.4688092   0.4404935   0.2901995   0.3793949   0.6343423   0.6786809
  0.5126349   0.4326627   0.2318232   0.538646    0.1351541   0.2044524
  0.3063099   0.2760263   0.1577156   0.2980986   0.2507897   0.1445099
  0.2279241   0.4229934   0.1657194   0.321832    0.2290785   0.2676585
  0.2478505   0.3810182   0.2535708   0.157562    0.1618909   0.2194217
  0.1888698   0.2614876   0.1894155   0.4802076   0.1059326   0.3837571
  0.3609228   0.2827142   0.2705508   0.6498625   0.2392224   0.1541462
  0.4540277   0.1624592   0.160438    0.109423    0.146836    0.4896905
  0.2052707   0.2668798   0.2506224   0.5041728   0.201774    0.14907
  0.21835     0.1609169   0.1609169   0.205676    0.4500787   0.2504743
  0.1906289   0.3447547   0.1223678   0.112275    0.2269951   0.1616036
  0.1532181   0.1940938   0.1457424   0.1094261   0.1636615   0.1622345
  0.705272    0.3158471   0.1416916   0.1290324   0.3139713   0.2422002
  0.1593835   0.08493619  0.08358301  0.09691083  0.2580497   0.1805554 ]

y = [ 1.395807  1.31553   1.333902  1.253527  1.292779  1.10401   1.42933
  1.525589  1.274508  1.16183   1.403394  1.588711  1.346775  1.606438
  1.296017  1.767366  1.460237  1.401834  1.172348  1.341594  1.3845
  1.479691  1.484053  1.468544  1.405156  1.653604  1.648146  1.417261
  1.311939  1.200763  1.647532  1.610222  1.355913  1.538724  1.319192
  1.265142  1.494068  1.268721  1.411822  1.580606  1.622305  1.40986
  1.529142  1.33644   1.37585   1.589704  1.563133  1.753167  1.382264
  1.771445  1.425574  1.374936  1.147079  1.626975  1.351203  1.356176
  1.534271  1.405485  1.266821  1.647927  1.28254   1.529214  1.586097
  1.357731  1.530607  1.307063  1.432288  1.525117  1.525117  1.510123
  1.653006  1.37388   1.247077  1.752948  1.396821  1.578571  1.546904
  1.483029  1.441626  1.750374  1.498266  1.571477  1.659957  1.640285
  1.599326  1.743292  1.225557  1.664379  1.787492  1.364079  1.53362
  1.294213  1.831521  1.19443   1.726312  1.84324 ]

Now, I have used many attempts to plot my contours using variations on: 现在,我进行了很多尝试,使用以下方法绘制轮廓:

delta = 0.025
OII_OIII_sAGN_sorted = numpy.arange(numpy.min(OII_OIII_sAGN), numpy.max(OII_OIII_sAGN), delta)
Dn4000_sAGN_sorted = numpy.arange(numpy.min(Dn4000_sAGN), numpy.max(Dn4000_sAGN), delta)
OII_OIII_sAGN_X, Dn4000_sAGN_Y = np.meshgrid(OII_OIII_sAGN_sorted, Dn4000_sAGN_sorted)

Z1 = matplotlib.mlab.bivariate_normal(OII_OIII_sAGN_X, Dn4000_sAGN_Y, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Z2 = matplotlib.mlab.bivariate_normal(OII_OIII_sAGN_X, Dn4000_sAGN_Y, 0.5, 1.5, 1, 1)
# difference of Gaussians
Z = 0.2 * (Z2 - Z1)
pyplot_middle.contour(OII_OIII_sAGN_X, Dn4000_sAGN_Y, Z, 12, colors='k')

This doesn't seem to give the desired output.I have also tried: 这似乎没有提供所需的输出。我也尝试过:

H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(OII_OIII_sAGN,Dn4000_sAGN)
extent = [xedges[0],xedges[-1],yedges[0],yedges[-1]]
ax.contour(H, extent=extent)

Not quite working as I wanted either. 也不像我想要的那样工作。 Essentially, I am looking for something similar to this: 本质上,我正在寻找类似的东西:


If anyone could help me with this I would be very grateful, either by suggesting a totally new method or modifying my existing code. 如果有人可以帮助我,我将不胜感激,可以通过建议一种全新的方法或修改我现有的代码来实现。 Please also attach images of your output if you have some useful techniques or ideas. 如果您有一些有用的技巧或想法,也请附上输出图像。

It seems that histogram2d takes some fiddling to plot the contour in the right place. 直方图2d似乎需要花些时间才能在正确的位置绘制轮廓。 I took the transpose of the histogram matrix and also took the mean values of the elements in xedges and yedges instead of just removing one from the end. 我对直方图矩阵进行了转置,还对了xedge和yedge中元素的平均值,而不是仅仅从末尾删除一个元素。

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
fig = plt.figure()
h, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(x, y, bins=9)
xbins = xedges[:-1] + (xedges[1] - xedges[0]) / 2
ybins = yedges[:-1] + (yedges[1] - yedges[0]) / 2

h = h.T
CS = plt.contour(xbins, ybins, h)
plt.scatter(x, y)


seaborn does density plots right out of the box: seaborn可以直接使用密度图seaborn

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

sns.kdeplot(x, y)


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