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[英]regex to check if IP address's 4th octet is greather than XXX

in my program i have to check against a IP address and decesion has to be made only if ip address's 4th octet is greater than XXX number. 在我的程序中,我必须检查IP地址,并且仅当ip地址的第四个八位字节大于XXX数字时才需要进行决策。 XXX = 120 for example. 例如,XXX = 120。

       for example: 
       IP1 =
       IP2 =
       IP3 =

if($IP =~ /10\.100\.1\.**<120**/)

i am tried something like 10\\.100\\.1\\.[2-9][3-9][9-9] but it is not correct. 我尝试过类似10\\.100\\.1\\.[2-9][3-9][9-9]但这是不正确的。

Could someone help me out? 有人可以帮我吗?



To match numbers above 120 you can use 要匹配120以上的数字,您可以使用


See this demo 这个演示

Why not just split it, and check the integer at the end? 为什么不将其拆分,然后在末尾检查整数?

def ips = ['',

def lastOctetGreaterThan(String ip, int number) {
    Integer.valueOf(ip.split(/\./).last()) > number

ips.each { ip ->
    println "$ip => ${lastOctetGreaterThan(ip, 120)}"

You can also do this: 您也可以这样做:

import java.net.InetAddress

def octet = InetAddress.getByName(ip)         // x.x.x.x -> InetAddress
                       .getAddress()          // InetAddress -> byte[]
                       .collect { it & 0xff } // positive numbers only

octet[3] is what you want. octet[3]是您想要的。 The code will work with IPv6 too. 该代码也适用于IPv6。

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