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regex to check if IP address's 4th octet is greather than XXX

in my program i have to check against a IP address and decesion has to be made only if ip address's 4th octet is greater than XXX number. XXX = 120 for example.

       for example: 
       IP1 =
       IP2 =
       IP3 =

if($IP =~ /10\.100\.1\.**<120**/)

i am tried something like 10\\.100\\.1\\.[2-9][3-9][9-9] but it is not correct.

Could someone help me out?



To match numbers above 120 you can use


See this demo

Why not just split it, and check the integer at the end?

def ips = ['',

def lastOctetGreaterThan(String ip, int number) {
    Integer.valueOf(ip.split(/\./).last()) > number

ips.each { ip ->
    println "$ip => ${lastOctetGreaterThan(ip, 120)}"

You can also do this:

import java.net.InetAddress

def octet = InetAddress.getByName(ip)         // x.x.x.x -> InetAddress
                       .getAddress()          // InetAddress -> byte[]
                       .collect { it & 0xff } // positive numbers only

octet[3] is what you want. The code will work with IPv6 too.

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