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[英]Replacing a variable by its exact value (not expanding) in bash

I have written a script as follows: 我编写了如下脚本:


opt1='-vvaumrhhhsq --info=name1 --delete --modify-window=2 --safe-links'
opt2="--progress --exclude-from=$HOME/exrsync"
opt3='--exclude-from="$excl" --log-file="$logfile"'

dest="/My Backup/home/"    

rm -f "$logfile"
rsync ${opt1} ${opt2} ${opt3} "$src" "$dest"

Based on bash -x myscript.sh output: 基于bash -x myscript.sh输出:
opt1 varibale has nothing to be expanded, ie: opt1没有要扩展的内容,即:

 + opt1='-vvaumrhhhsq --info=name1 --delete --modify-window=2 --safe-links'

opt2 is expanded on the line it is defined, ie: opt2在定义的行上展开,即:

+ opt2='--progress --exclude-from=/home/username/exrsync'

and opt3 is not expanded in the line it is defined, ie: 并且opt3不在其定义的行中展开,即:

+ opt3='--exclude-from="$excl" --log-file="$logfile"'

But in the last command of the script, opt1 and opt2 are replaced by their values without '' , but each part of opt3 is putted inside single quotes, ie: 但在脚本的最后一个命令opt1opt2由没有他们的值替代'' ,但各部分opt3是推杆单引号,即内:

+ rsync -vvaumrhhhsq --info=name1 --delete --modify-window=2 --safe-links --progress --exclude-from=/home/me/backup/rsync/exrsync '--exclude-from="$excl"' '--log-file="$logfile"' /home/me '/My Backup/home/' + rsync -vvaumrhhhsq --info=name1 --delete --modify-window=2 --safe-links --progress --exclude-from=/home/me/backup/rsync/exrsync '--exclude-from="$excl"' '--log-file="$logfile"' + rsync -vvaumrhhhsq --info=name1 --delete --modify-window=2 --safe-links --progress --exclude-from=/home/me/backup/rsync/exrsync '--exclude-from="$excl"' '--log-file="$logfile"' /home/me '/My Backup/home/'

Obviously above command will return an error: 显然,以上命令将返回错误:

rsync: failed to open exclude file "$excl": No such file or directory (2)
rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at exclude.c(1179) [client=3.1.0]

I need that opt3 to be raplaced such as opt1 is replaced. 我需要opt3 opt3,例如opt1被替换。 Thus the last command will be as follows: 因此,最后一条命令将如下所示:

+ rsync -vvaumrhhhsq --info=name1 --delete --modify-window=2 --safe-links --progress --exclude-from=/home/me/backup/rsync/exrsync --exclude-from=/home/me/exrsync-gh --log-file=rsync_home.log /home/me '/My Backup/home/' + rsync -vvaumrhhhsq --info=name1 --delete --modify-window=2 --safe-links --progress --exclude-from=/home/me/backup/rsync/exrsync --exclude-from=/home/me/exrsync-gh --log-file=rsync_home.log /home/me '/My Backup/home/'

Note: 注意:
One solution is to put opt3 definition after excl and logfile definitions, so it coulde be expnded in the line it is defines. 一种解决方案是将opt3定义放在excllogfile定义之后,因此可以在定义的行中对其进行扩展。 But I do not want to do that, because in the future I want to add some loops to above script and in this way I have to re-define opt3 every time excl or logfile change. 但我不想这样做,因为在未来,我想有些循环添加到上面的脚本并以这种方式我不得不重新定义opt3每次excllogfile的变化。

You should be using arrays to store program arguments. 您应该使用数组存储程序参数。 You also need to define logfile and excl before you use them to set the value of opt3 . 使用它们来设置opt3的值之前,还需要定义logfileexcl


dest="/My Backup/home/"    

opt1=(-vvaumrhhhsq --info=name1 --delete --modify-window=2 --safe-links)
opt2=(--progress --exclude-from=$HOME/exrsync)
opt3=(--exclude-from="$excl" --log-file="$logfile")

rm -f "$logfile"
rsync "${opt1[@]}" "${opt2[@]}" "${opt3[@]}" "$src" "$dest"

One thing you can do is wrap your rsync command in a function that will take two arguments, the value of excl and the value of logfile . 可以做的一件事是将rsync命令包装在一个函数中,该函数将带有两个参数, excl的值和logfile的值。

syncer () {
    shift 2
    options=( --vvaumrhhhsq
              # etc
    rsync "${options[@]}" --exclude-from="$excl" --log-file="$logfile" "$@"

syncer "$excl" "$logfile" "$src" "$dest"

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