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[英]iOS app updates for older iOS versions

I need to support the following business scenario for managing updates: 我需要支持以下业务场景来管理更新:

App xxx.app(Version 6.1) is in the AppStore, it supports iOS 3 to 6.3. App xxx.app(版本6.1)位于AppStore中,它支持iOS 3到6.3。
We developed a new version xxx.app(Version 6.2) which supports iOS 7 and above. 我们开发了支持iOS 7及更高版本的新版本xxx.app(版本6.2)。

Would it be possible to distribute an update for users of iOS 3 to 6.3, and another update for users of iOS 7 and above. 是否可以为iOS 3到6.3的用户分发更新,为iOS 7及更高版本的用户分发另一个更新。 (ie something like two versions of one app) (即类似于一个应用程序的两个版本)

I believe that is impossible. 我相信这是不可能的。 Here's why. 这就是原因。

You can't do it if they are the same app. 如果它们是同一个应用程序,则无法执行此操作。 They are the same app if they have the same bundle id. 如果它们具有相同的包ID,则它们是相同的应用程序。 So one solution would be to make this new version a different app. 因此,一个解决方案是使这个新版本成为一个不同的应用程序。 But that does not explain how you will update the old version. 但这并不能解释您将如何更新旧版本。 I doubt that Apple will let you submit an update today that does not run on iOS 8, or is not written with the latest version of Xcode. 我怀疑Apple会让你今天提交一个不在iOS 8上运行的更新,或者不是用最新版本的Xcode编写的。 So you will never get your update to the old version into the App Store. 因此,您永远不会将旧版本的更新带入App Store。

Perhaps a better way would be one app that runs on all systems with conditional code depending on what system it is. 也许更好的方法是使用条件代码在所有系统上运行的应用程序,具体取决于它是什么系统。 But that will be very difficult to write. 但这很难写。 The current version of Xcode cannot compile for such an early system. 当前版本的Xcode无法为这样的早期系统编译。

Any version of iOS below 6 is no longer supported (not listed under "Deployment Target" in Xcode as well). 不再支持任何低于6的iOS版本(也未在Xcode中的“部署目标”下列出)。

Separating two distributions of your app just for the sake of different iOS versions is too verbose. 仅为了不同的iOS版本而将您的应用程序的两个发行版分开是太冗长了。

Instead, use conditional macros and handle each case, see: How to check iOS version? 相反,使用条件宏并处理每个案例,请参阅: 如何检查iOS版本?

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