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[英]What does “override implicit” mean?

I am looking at a piece of code that says 我正在看一段代码

case class MyClass(override implicit val x : SomeClass) extends SomeOtherClass(...) {

What does override implicit mean in this context, and what can I do if I want to produce an instance of MyClass with explicit parameters? 在这个上下文中override implicit意味着什么,如果我想用显式参数生成MyClass实例,我该怎么办?

This means that SomeOtherClass has a field x of type SomeClass that will be overriden by the x you pass in the constructor of MyClass . 这意味着SomeOtherClass有一个SomeClass类型的字段x ,它将被你在MyClass的构造函数中传递的x覆盖。

The implicit will make the x argument for my class implicit and allow the following code: implicit将使我的类的x参数implicit并允许以下代码:

implicit val someInt = 5
val a = new MyClass
val b = new MyClass()
val c = MyClass() // as it it a case class

If you want to produce an instance of MyClass with explicit parameters, you can pass them explicitly like this: 如果要使用显式参数生成MyClass实例,可以像这样显式传递它们:

val a = new MyClass()(42)

(Examples assume that SomeClass is an Int , for simplicity) (为简单起见,示例假设SomeClassInt

To clarify: the implicit and override keywords here are unrelated. 澄清一下:这里的implicitoverride关键字是不相关的。

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