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[英]Parse TextMate snippet with Nokogiri

A TextMate snippet (.tmSnippet) usually looks something like this, whereas some key/string-pairs are optional and can be at any position. TextMate代码段(.tmSnippet)通常看起来像这样,而某些键/字符串对是可选的,并且可以位于任何位置。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
        <string>${1:the actual snippet}</string>
        <string>This is my Snippet's name</string>

I'm trying to parse this using Nokogiri, but since the tags are all <key> and <string> and the position of each key/string-pair can alter, I'm not sure how to do that. 我正在尝试使用Nokogiri来解析它,但是由于标签都是<key><string>并且每个键/字符串对的位置都可以改变,所以我不确定该怎么做。 I'm after the scope , the tabTrigger , content and name . 我关注scopetabTriggercontentname

Assuming the sub-nodes of a dict node are just key - string pairs, this: 假设dict节点的子节点只是key - string对,则:

require 'nokogiri'

kws = %w{ scope tabTrigger content name }

doc = Nokogiri::XML(File.read('a.tmsnippet'))

doc.xpath('//dict').each do | dict_node |
  dict_node.element_children.map(&:content).each_slice(2) do | k, v |
    next unless kws.include? k
    puts "#{k} -> #{v}"

produces 产生

"content -> ${1:the actual snippet}
tabTrigger -> my_trigger
name -> This is my Snippet's name
scope -> source.js"

Otherwise you need some more logic on the node types before looking at their content. 否则,在查看节点类型之前,您需要有关节点类型的更多逻辑。

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