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C ++为输入类型选择模板输出类型

[英]C++ Choose template output type for input type

Consider I want to implement the following function: 考虑我要实现以下功能:

template<typename InputType, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<InputType>::value>::type>
inline InputType degreeToRadians(InputType degree)
    return degree * (PI / 180.0);

How do I find the correct OutputType for the given InputType? 如何找到给定InputType的正确OutputType? Since the InputType could be some integral number the function would return a wrong result because the calculated number is casted to the integral InputType. 由于InputType可能是某个整数,因此该函数将返回错误的结果,因为计算出的数字将转换为整数InputType。 I have also considered to just return a long double (the largest floating point number I think) but it seems like a waste of memory. 我还考虑过只返回一个长整数(我认为是最大的浮点数),但这似乎浪费了内存。 What would you suggest to solve this problem? 您会提出什么解决方案? By the way I DON'T want to include template specifications whenever i call this function: 顺便说一句,我不想​​在每次调用此函数时都包含模板规范:

float someFloat = degreeToRadians<float>(someIntegral);

In C++11: 在C ++ 11中:

template<typename InputType,
         typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<InputType>::value>::type>
auto degreeToRadians(InputType degree)
-> decltype(degree * (PI / 180.0))
    return degree * (PI / 180.0);

In C++14: 在C ++ 14中:

template<typename InputType,
         typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<InputType>::value>>
auto degreeToRadians(InputType degree)
    return degree * (PI / 180.0);

BTW, you probably want to do the computaion with InputType , I mean that PI and 180 have type InputType instead. 顺便说一句,您可能想使用InputType ,我的意思是PI180改为具有InputType类型。

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