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[英]concat string and variable in twig

I have this in my template 我的模板中有这个

    {{ ad.title_de }}

Now I'm incorporating multiple languages, so 'title_de' has to change I also have a variable 'tld' which is one of de, en , fr 现在,我合并了多种语言,因此必须更改“ title_de”,我还有一个变量“ tld”,它是de,en,fr中的一个

So I'd like to have something like 所以我想吃点东西

    {% if tld == 'fr' %} 
    {{ ad.title_fr }} 

etc Any ideas? 等有什么想法吗?

Try using the attribute function. 尝试使用attribute功能。

http://twig.sensiolabs.org/doc/functions/attribute.html http://twig.sensiolabs.org/doc/functions/attribute.html

attribute(ad, 'content_'~tld) should work. attribute(ad, 'content_'~tld)应该起作用。


{{ ad["title_" ~ tld] }}

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