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[英]How do I replace column values in data.frame?

I have two data.frame. 我有两个data.frame。

d <- data.frame(a=letters[1:5], b=c(1:5))
  a b
1 a 1
2 b 2
3 c 3
4 d 4
5 e 5

t <- data.frame(old=c('a','c','d'), new=c('aa','cc','dd'))
  old new
1   a  aa
2   c  cc
3   d  dd

And I want to replace like below. 我想替换如下。

  a b
1 aa 1
2 b  2
3 cc 3
4 dd 4
5 e  5

I'd like to use apply function. 我想使用套用功能。 How should I do? 我应该怎么做?

We can use join from data.table . 我们可以使用data.table We convert the 'data.frame' to 'data.table' ( setDT(d) ) and join with 't' `on' the the first column, assign the 'a' column with the 'new' to replace the values in 'a' from 'd' dataset. 我们将'data.frame'转换为'data.table'( setDT(d) ),并在第一列中加入't',在'a'列中分配'new'以替换其中的值来自“ d”数据集的“ a”。

setDT(d)[t, a:= new, on=c('a'='old')][]
#    a b
#1: aa 1
#2:  b 2
#3: cc 3
#4: dd 4
#5:  e 5

Since you have factors: 由于您有以下因素:

levels(d$a)[match(t$old, levels(d$a))] <- as.character(t$new)
#   a b
#1 aa 1
#2  b 2
#3 cc 3
#4 dd 4
#5  e 5

This will give an error if one of your t$old is not in d$a . 如果您的t$old一个不在d$a则会产生错误。

Used merge along with ifelse ifelse一起使用merge

df <- merge(d, t, all.x = T, by.x = "a", by.y = "old")
df$a <- ifelse(is.na(df$new), as.character(df$a), as.character(df$new))
#Removing the "new" column
df <- df[, -3]

#a b
#1 aa 1
#2  b 2
#3 cc 3
#4 dd 4
#5  e 5

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