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[英]How can you make objects from different environments available in new functions in R?

I need to modify one function from an R package to accommodate my analysis needs. 我需要从R包中修改一个函数来满足我的分析需求。 To do this I extracted the function code, modified it, and saved it as an .R file, which I then source to use. 为此,我提取了功能代码,对其进行了修改,然后将其保存为.R文件,然后将其用作源文件。 Yet, because this function uses nested functions from the original R package, it gave me an error even when I load the original library from within the modified function: 但是,因为此函数使用原始R包中的嵌套函数,所以即使从修改后的函数中加载原始库,它也会给我一个错误:

Error in CS.prepMOD(n.POPS = length(sample.locales), response = gen.data[lower.tri(gen.data)],  
: could not find function "To.From.ID"

I could potentially solve this by specifying where to look for each nested function. 我可以通过指定在哪里查找每个嵌套函数来解决此问题。 For example: 例如:


However, doing this for every single nested function is too cumbersome. 但是,对每个嵌套函数执行此操作太麻烦了。 Instead I tried to source my modified function into the original package environment, but I also got an error: 取而代之的是,我尝试将修改后的函数提供给原始包环境,但是我也遇到了一个错误:

Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : 
cannot add bindings to a locked environment

So, my question is, is there an way to pass all objects from the original package into my modified function? 所以,我的问题是,有没有办法将所有对象从原始包传递到我的修改函数中?

Thanks in advance for your help. 在此先感谢您的帮助。

You can set the environment of your replacement function to the namespace of the package. 您可以将替换函数的环境设置为包的名称空间。 That way the "internal" function should resolve to those that already exist in the original package. 这样,“内部”功能应解析为原始程序包中已经存在的功能。

Assuming CS.prepMOD is your replacement function, Try 假设CS.prepMOD是您的替换功能,请尝试

environment( CS.prepMOD ) <- getNamespace("ResistanceGA")

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