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[英]Returning objects from functions (R)

I don't understand why this snippet does not work. 我不明白为什么此代码段不起作用。 My understanding of the function return() is that it enables you to use an object that was created inside a function outside the function. 我对函数return()理解是,它使您可以使用在函数外部的函数内部创建的对象。

I have this simple function and I want to use product outside of my function. 我有这个简单的功能,我想在功能之外使用product How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点? Or, alternatively, have I entirely missed the point of the return() function? 或者,或者,我是否完全错过了return()函数的要点?

simple_fcn<- function(input1, input2)
        product = input1*input2



You need to save the return argument when calling the function into a variable that is available in the global environment, ie try the following: 在将函数调用到全局环境中可用的变量时,需要保存return参数,即尝试以下操作:

product_global <- simple_fcn(2, 5)

In addition to Felipe's comment, to assign product to a variable in a function's parent environment you can do product <<- product or assign('product', product, 1) inside the function. 除了Felipe的注释,要将product分配给函数的父环境中的变量,您可以在函数内部执行product <<- productassign('product', product, 1) For more flexible assignments see ?assign . 有关更灵活的分配,请参见?assign

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