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[英]Returning and accessing objects from functions in R

I wrote a function in R that returns a list composed of two variables. 我在R中编写了一个函数,该函数返回由两个变量组成的列表。 The function works correctly in that the correct values are returned. 该函数正常工作,因为返回了正确的值。 The problem, however, is that I can't then access the list for further processing. 但是,问题在于我无法访问列表进行进一步处理。 The code is this: 代码是这样的:

grinder <- function(x) {

if(x == "BID") {
miles <- 18.4 * n.row
tolls <- 1.8 * n.row

} else if(x == "SPR") {
miles <- 10.8 * n.row
tolls <- 0

} else if (x == "BRI") {
miles <- 3.8 * n.row
tolls <- 0

} else if (x == "GOO") {
miles <- 66.2 * n.row
tolls <- 1.8 * n.row

} else if (x == "MIL") {
miles <- 108
tolls <- 0

} else if (x == "SMH") {
miles <- 94.6 * n.row
tolls <- 2 * n.row


mil.tol <- list(miles,tolls)



The correct values are returned, but I can't then access mil.tol to do anything with those values. 返回了正确的值,但随后我无法访问mil.tol对这些值执行任何操作。 Nor can I get correct values for miles or tolls. 我也无法获得正确的里程或通行费值。 The console returns this: 控制台返回以下内容:

> mil.tol
Error: object 'mil.tol' not found
> miles

Any suggestions? 有什么建议么?

miles , tolls and mil.tol are all local to the function and are not returned, but you can assign the output of the function (ie from the return() ) like below to mil.tol: milestollsmil.tol都是本地的功能,并且不退还,但你可以(从IE分配函数的输出return()如下面mil.tol:

mil.tol <- grinder(x)

Would recommend also reading this SO post here 建议您在这里阅读这篇SO文章

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