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[英]Accessing elements in arbitarily nested structure of lists / dicts

I have nested structure of python lists and dictionaries. 我有python列表和字典的嵌套结构。

tree = { 'blah': [ "booz", {'foobar': [ { 'somekey': 'someval' } ] } ] }

I also have several recursive functions that allow me to traverse tree hierarchy from top to bottom and return keys and values that I need. 我还具有几个递归函数,这些函数使我可以从上到下遍历tree层次结构并返回所需的键和值。 eg.: 例如。:

def get_objectcontent(obj, objid):

    result = None

    if isinstance(obj, dict):
        for key, val in obj.items():
            if key == objid:
                result = val
            elif isinstance(val, list) or isinstance(val, dict):
                retval = get_objectcontent(val, objid)
                if retval is not None:
                    result = retval
    elif isinstance(obj, list):
        for elem in obj:
            if isinstance(elem, list) or isinstance(elem, dict):
                retval = get_objectcontent(elem, objid)
                if retval is not None:
                    result = retval

    return result

Unfortunately, I want to modify the data in tree too and that is the problem. 不幸的是,我也想修改tree的数据,这就是问题所在。 Only possible solution that I can see is to construct the 'path' to element dynamically while walking down through the tree and construct something like: 我看到的唯一可能的解决方案是在遍历tree同时动态构造元素的“路径”,并构造类似以下内容的东西:

tree['blah'][1]['foobar'][0]['somekey']) = 'newval'

I didn't found any way how could I point to my key in Python (when I know where in structure it is). 我没有找到任何方法可以指向Python中的密钥(当我知道它在结构中的位置时)。

Is there some other, more intelligent way to solve this in Python 3? 在Python 3中还有其他更聪明的方法来解决此问题吗?

You're ultimately looking for objid as a key in a dict , so you can change: 您最终将objid作为dict的键,因此可以更改:

result = val

to: 至:

result = obj

Then the caller can do: 然后,呼叫者可以执行以下操作:

result[objid] = new_val

You might also consider replacing the assignments to result with return statements, assuming you don't mind getting the first instance rather than the last. 您还可以考虑用return语句替换result的赋值,假设您不介意获得第一个实例而不是最后一个实例。

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