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[英]concatenating (adding) two charcter strings

I was told to write a program containing a concatenate function.有人告诉我编写一个包含连接函数的程序。 This program should collect the input strings using fgets (&s1[0], len1+1, stdin) and then add the two to each other to produce a final product.该程序应使用fgets (&s1[0], len1+1, stdin)收集输入字符串,然后将两者相加以生成最终产品。

My problem falls in that the program compiles but it doesn't display anything on the screen whatsoever, here's what I've got.我的问题在于程序编译但它没有在屏幕上显示任何内容,这就是我所拥有的。 I couldn't see how I could get it solved without this method of approach.如果没有这种方法,我不知道如何解决它。

//function to terminate the program incase reach of 0
int str_len (char s[])
int i=0;
while (s[i]= NULL)
return i+1;
char string_cat (char*s1, char*s2)
int str_len(char s[])
char *s1 [80]= {'\0'};
char *s2 [40]= {'\0'};
int len1=str_len(s1);
int  len2=str_len(s2);
if (int x=0; len1+len2<80; \0;
int main ()
char string_cat(char*s1,char*s2)
int str_len(char s[])
char s1 [80];
char s2 [40];
int i=0;
for (i; i !=0; ++i)
printf("What is the first sentence?: ")
fgets(*s1[0], 75+1, stdin);
printf("What is the second sentence?:")
printf("The two sentences added together produce the following: %c",s1 )
return 0;

aside from the mistake with the for loop that others have pointed out, the while loop in your str_len function is wrong.除了其他人指出的 for 循环错误之外, str_len 函数中的 while 循环是错误的。 you should've used while(s[i] != NULL) instead of s[i] = null.你应该使用 while(s[i] != NULL) 而不是 s[i] = null。 one equal sign, "=", is assignment;一个等号“=”是赋值; two equal signs, "==", is comparisons;两个等号“==”是比较; and exclamation equals, "!=", means not equal.感叹号等于“!=”,表示不等于。

Secondly, you reassign your s1 and s2 to different memory locations in your string_cat function with their first character as NULL, "\\0".其次,您将 s1 和 s2 重新分配到 string_cat 函数中的不同内存位置,它们的第一个字符为 NULL,“\\0”。 this will always give your str_len a length of 0 if corrected your str_len function as pointed out above, and a length of random number if not corrected based on what's occupying your memory at run time.如果如上所述更正了您的 str_len 函数,这将始终为您的 str_len 提供长度为 0 的长度,如果未根据运行时占用您的内存的内容进行更正,则将始终为您提供一个随机数的长度。

thirdly [still in the string_cat function], your if(int x = 0; len1 + len2 < 80; \\0; doesn't make sense. you're not doing any concatenations in this function at all.第三 [仍在 string_cat 函数中],你的if(int x = 0; len1 + len2 < 80; \\0;没有意义。你根本没有在这个函数中做任何连接。

Sorry for not providing you with the solution as this is a simple exercise.很抱歉没有为您提供解决方案,因为这是一个简单的练习。 I feel like spoiling you if I were to provide you with the code.如果我要向您提供代码,我想宠坏您。

In your code having lot of compilation error.在您的代码中有很多编译错误。 Copy paste the code what you have compiled.复制粘贴你编译的代码。

Check this line of code检查这行代码

int i=0;
for (i; i !=0; ++i)

Because of this you are not getting any thing.正因为如此,你没有得到任何东西。 In for loop you have condition i !=0 which always fail so it's not entering inside the loop.在 for 循环中,您有条件i !=0总是失败,因此它不会进入循环内。

First problem is here第一个问题在这里

int i=0;
for (i; i !=0; ++i)

You set value 0 to the variable i , and then you check if it does not equal 0. This check does not obviosly pass because i equals 0 .您将值 0 设置为变量i ,然后检查它是否不等于 0。此检查显然不会通过,因为i等于0

The second problem is also the loop.第二个问题也是循环。 I can't really get the reason you need the loop it at all, because i is not used at all, exept the increment.我根本无法理解您需要循环的原因,因为i根本没有使用,除了增量。 So as far as i get it, the loop is not needed at all.所以据我所知,根本不需要循环。

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