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[英]Does the Lua compiler optimize local vars?

Is the current Lua compiler smart enough to optimize away local variables that are used for clarity? 当前的Lua编译器是否足够智能以优化用于清晰的局部变量?

local top = x - y
local bottom = x + y
someCall(top, bottom)

Or does inlining things by hand run faster? 或者手动内联的速度更快?

someCall(x - y, x + y)

Since Lua often compiles source code into byte code on the fly, it is designed to be a fast single-pass compiler. 由于Lua经常将源代码编译成字节代码,因此它被设计为快速单通道编译器。 It does do some constant folding, but other than that there are not many optimizations. 它确实做了一些常量折叠,但除此之外没有很多优化。 You can usually check what the compiler does by executing luac -l -l -p file.lua and looking at the generated (disassembled) byte code. 您通常可以通过执行luac -l -l -p file.lua并查看生成的(反汇编的)字节代码来检查编译器的功能。

In your case the Lua code 在你的情况下Lua代码

function a( x, y )
  local top = x - y
  local bottom = x + y
  someCall(top, bottom)

function b( x, y )
  someCall(x - y, x + y)

results int the following byte code listing when run through luac5.3 -l -l -p file.lua (some irrelevant parts skipped): 结果通过luac5.3 -l -l -p file.lua运行后面的字节代码列表(跳过一些不相关的部分):

function <file.lua:1,5> (7 instructions at 0xcd7d30)
2 params, 7 slots, 1 upvalue, 4 locals, 1 constant, 0 functions
    1   [2] SUB         2 0 1
    2   [3] ADD         3 0 1
    3   [4] GETTABUP    4 0 -1  ; _ENV "someCall"
    4   [4] MOVE        5 2
    5   [4] MOVE        6 3
    6   [4] CALL        4 3 1
    7   [5] RETURN      0 1
constants (1) for 0xcd7d30:
    1   "someCall"
locals (4) for 0xcd7d30:
    0   x   1   8
    1   y   1   8
    2   top 2   8
    3   bottom  3   8
upvalues (1) for 0xcd7d30:
    0   _ENV    0   0

function <file.lua:7,9> (5 instructions at 0xcd7f10)
2 params, 5 slots, 1 upvalue, 2 locals, 1 constant, 0 functions
    1   [8] GETTABUP    2 0 -1  ; _ENV "someCall"
    2   [8] SUB         3 0 1
    3   [8] ADD         4 0 1
    4   [8] CALL        2 3 1
    5   [9] RETURN      0 1
constants (1) for 0xcd7f10:
    1   "someCall"
locals (2) for 0xcd7f10:
    0   x   1   6
    1   y   1   6
upvalues (1) for 0xcd7f10:
    0   _ENV    0   0

As you can see, the first variant (the a function) has two additional MOVE instructions, and two additional locals. 如您所见,第一个变体( a函数)有两个额外的MOVE指令和另外两个本地变量。

If you are interested in the details of the opcodes, you can check the comments for the OpCode enum in lopcodes.h . 如果您对操作码的详细信息感兴趣,可以在lopcodes.h中查看OpCode枚举的注释 Eg the opcode format for OP_ADD is: 例如, OP_ADD的操作码格式是:

OP_ADD,/*       A B C   R(A) := RK(B) + RK(C)                           */

So the 2 [3] ADD 3 0 1 from above takes the values from registers 0 and 1 (the locals x and y in this case), adds them together, and stores the result in register 3. It is the second opcode in this function and the corresponding source code is on line 3. 所以上面的2 [3] ADD 3 0 1从寄存器0和1(本例中的本地xy中取值,将它们加在一起,并将结果存储在寄存器3中。这是第二个操作码功能和相应的源代码在第3行。

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