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[英]Calculating pairwise correlation among all columns

I am working with large biological dataset.我正在处理大型生物数据集。

I want to calculate PCC(Pearson's correlation coefficient) of all 2-column combinations in my data table and save the result as DataFrame or CSV file.我想计算数据表中所有 2 列组合的 PCC(Pearson 相关系数),并将结果保存为 DataFrame 或 CSV 文件。

Data table is like below:columns are the name of genes, and rows are the code of dataset.数据表如下:列是基因的名称,行是数据集的代码。 The float numbers mean how much the gene is activated in the dataset.浮点数表示基因在数据集中被激活的程度。

      GeneA GeneB GeneC ...
DataA 1.5 2.5 3.5 ...
DataB 5.5 6.5 7.5 ...
DataC 8.5 8.5 8.5 ...

As a output, I want to build the table(DataFrame or csv file) like below, because scipy.stats.pearsonr function returns (PCC, p-value).作为输出,我想构建如下表(DataFrame 或 csv 文件),因为 scipy.stats.pearsonr 函数返回(PCC,p 值)。 In my example, XX and YY mean the results of pearsonr([1.5, 5.5, 8.5], [2.5, 6.5, 8.5]).在我的例子中,XX 和 YY 表示 pearsonr([1.5, 5.5, 8.5], [2.5, 6.5, 8.5]) 的结果。 In the same way, ZZ and AA mean the result of pearsonr([1.5, 5.5, 8.5], [3.5, 7.5, 8.5]).同理,ZZ 和 AA 表示 pearsonr([1.5, 5.5, 8.5], [3.5, 7.5, 8.5]) 的结果。 I do not need the redundant data such as GeneB_GeneA or GeneC_GeneB in my test.我的测试中不需要 GeneB_GeneA 或 GeneC_GeneB 等冗余数据。

               PCC P-value
GeneA_GeneB    XX YY
GeneA_GeneC    ZZ AA
GeneB_GeneC    BB CC

As the number of columns and rows are many(over 100) and their names are complicated, using column names or row names will be difficult.由于列和行的数量很多(超过 100 个)并且它们的名称很复杂,因此使用列名或行名会很困难。

It might be a simple problem for experts, I do not know how to deal with this kind of table with python and pandas library.对于专家来说可能是一个简单的问题,我不知道如何使用python和pandas库来处理这种表。 Especially making new DataFrame and adding result seems to be very difficult.尤其是制作新的 DataFrame 并添加结果似乎非常困难。

Sorry for my poor explanation, but I hope someone could help me.对不起,我的解释不好,但我希望有人能帮助我。

from pandas import *
import numpy as np
from libraries.settings import *
from scipy.stats.stats import pearsonr
import itertools

Creating random sample data:创建随机样本数据:

df = DataFrame(np.random.random((5, 5)), columns=['gene_' + chr(i + ord('a')) for i in range(5)]) 

     gene_a    gene_b    gene_c    gene_d    gene_e
0  0.471257  0.854139  0.781204  0.678567  0.697993
1  0.292909  0.046159  0.250902  0.064004  0.307537
2  0.422265  0.646988  0.084983  0.822375  0.713397
3  0.113963  0.016122  0.227566  0.206324  0.792048
4  0.357331  0.980479  0.157124  0.560889  0.973161

correlations = {}
columns = df.columns.tolist()

for col_a, col_b in itertools.combinations(columns, 2):
    correlations[col_a + '__' + col_b] = pearsonr(df.loc[:, col_a], df.loc[:, col_b])

result = DataFrame.from_dict(correlations, orient='index')
result.columns = ['PCC', 'p-value']


                     PCC   p-value
gene_a__gene_b  0.461357  0.434142
gene_a__gene_c  0.177936  0.774646
gene_a__gene_d -0.854884  0.064896
gene_a__gene_e -0.155440  0.802887
gene_b__gene_c -0.575056  0.310455
gene_b__gene_d -0.097054  0.876621
gene_b__gene_e  0.061175  0.922159
gene_c__gene_d -0.633302  0.251381
gene_c__gene_e -0.771120  0.126836
gene_d__gene_e  0.531805  0.356315
  • Get unique combinations of DataFrame columns using itertools.combination(iterable, r)使用itertools.combination(iterable, r)获取DataFrame列的唯一组合
  • Iterate through these combinations and calculate pairwise correlations using scipy.stats.stats.personr迭代这些组合并使用scipy.stats.stats.personr计算成对相关性
  • Add results (PCC and p-value tuple) to dictionary将结果(PCC 和 p 值元组)添加到dictionary
  • Build DataFrame from dictionarydictionary构建DataFrame

You could then also save result.to_csv() .然后您还可以保存result.to_csv() You might find it convenient to use a MultiIndex (two columns containing the names of each columns) instead of the created names for the pairwise correlations.您可能会发现使用MultiIndex (包含每列名称的两列)代替为成对相关创建的名称会很方便。

A simple solution is to use the pairwise_corr function of the Pingouin package (which I created):一个简单的解决方案是使用所述pairwise_corr所述的功能Pingouin包(我创建):

import pingouin as pg
pg.pairwise_corr(data, method='pearson')

This will give you a DataFrame with all combinations of columns, and, for each of those, the r-value, p-value, sample size, and more.这将为您提供一个包含所有列组合的 DataFrame,以及每个列的 r 值、p 值、样本大小等。

There are also a number of options to specify one or more columns (eg one-vs-all behavior), as well as covariates for partial correlation and different methods to calculate the correlation coefficient.还有许多选项可以指定一列或多列(例如一对一行为),以及偏相关的协变量和计算相关系数的不同方法。 Please see this example Jupyter Notebook for a more in-depth demo.请参阅此示例 Jupyter Notebook以获得更深入的演示。

To get pairs, it is a combinations problem.要得到对,这是一个combinations问题。 You can concat all the rows into one the result dataframe .您可以concat所有行到一个结果dataframe

from pandas import *
from itertools import combinations
df = pandas.read_csv('gene.csv')
# get the column names as list, which are gene names
column_list = df.columns.values.tolist()
result = []
for c in combinations(column_list, 2):
    firstGene, secondGene = c
    firstGeneData = df[firstGene].tolist()
    secondGeneData = df[secondGene].tolist()
    # now to get the PCC, P-value using scipy
    pcc = ...
    p-value = ...
    result.append(pandas.DataFrame([{'PCC': pcc, 'P-value': p-value}], index=str(firstGene)+ '_' + str(secondGene), columns=['PCC', 'P-value'])

result_df = pandas.concat(result)

Assuming the data you have is in a pandas DataFrame.假设您拥有的数据位于 Pandas DataFrame 中。

df.corr('pearson')  # 'kendall', and 'spearman' are the other 2 options

will provide you a correlation matrix between each column.将为您提供每列之间的相关矩阵。

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