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[英]Python stuck in a single thread of a multi-threaded program

I'm currently writing a program that is attempting to synchronize a visitor, car, pump, and gas station thread at a zoo where guests arrive, wait for an available car, take a tour, then exit, the cars must refuel every 5 rides, and the gas station must refuel every time 3 cars are refilled. 我目前正在编写一个程序,试图同步访客到达的动物园的访客,汽车,泵和加油站线程,等待可用的汽车,游览,然后退出,每5次骑行必须加油,并且每次加油3辆汽车时,加油站必须加油。 My tests are with 35 visitors, 6 cars, 5 gas pumps, and a time interval of 2. The program reads a text file with the number of guests, cars, pumps, and a time interval between visitors boarding vehicles, then uses the data to fill a class. 我的测试是在35位访客,6辆汽车,5个加油站和2个时间间隔下进行的。程序读取文本文件,其中包含访客,汽车,水泵的数量以及访客登车之间的时间间隔,然后使用数据补课。 I create methods for each thread, then create the threads themselves in main. 我为每个线程创建方法,然后在main中自己创建线程。 My problem is that my program gets stuck at 6 vehicles, which is the number specified by the text file, after running my first thread method, visitor_thread, and I cannot tell if any other threads are even running concurrently. 我的问题是,在运行第一个线程方法visitor_thread之后,我的程序被卡在6辆车上,这是文本文件指定的数量,并且我无法确定是否还有其他线程在同时运行。 I am a total novice at multithreading and python alike, and I'm not sure what the problem is. 我是多线程和python领域的新手,但我不确定是什么问题。 I have worked on the project for twelve hours straight and have been stuck at this point for the past four hours. 我已经连续12个小时从事该项目的工作,而在过去的四个小时中,我一直处于这一状态。 In theory, visitor_thread, car_thread, and gas_station_thread should all run concurrently from main, and visitor_thread should have vehicles to work with again after some visitors finish their ride, but I just get stuck with six full cars in an infinite loop within visitor_thread. 从理论上讲,visitor_thread,car_thread和gas_station_thread都应从main并发运行,并且visitor_thread应该在某些访问者完成骑行之后让车辆可以再次使用,但是我只是在visitor_thread内无限循环地陷入了六辆满满的汽车中。 What is causing this infinite loop and how can I make sure all of my threads are actually running? 是什么导致此无限循环,如何确保所有线程都在实际运行?

My code: 我的代码:

from threading import Thread
from threading import Lock
from threading import Event

event = Event()
lock = Lock()
done = Event()
is_done = 0

class Arguments:
def __init__(self, m_visitors, n_cars, k_pumps, t_time, thread_num, _done):
    self.m_visitors = m_visitors
    self.n_cars = n_cars
    self.k_pumps = k_pumps
    self.t_time = t_time
    self.thread_num = thread_num
    self.done = _done

class Car:
def __init__(self, control, rides, time, in_service, int_cus, in_queue):
    self.control = control
    self.rides = rides
    self.time = time
    self.in_service = in_service
    self.int_cus = int_cus
    self.in_queue = in_queue

class Pump:
def __init__(self, control, in_use, car_num, time):
    self.control = control
    self.in_use = in_use
    self.car_num = car_num
    self.time = time

class PumpQueue:
def __init__(self, pQueue, MAXsize, front, back, size):
    self.q = Lock()
    self.pQueue = pQueue
    self.MAXsize = MAXsize
    self.front = front
    self.back = back
    self.size = size

def visitor_thread(_visitor):
global is_done
visitor = _visitor

v = visitor.m_visitors
c = visitor.n_cars
p = visitor.k_pumps
t = visitor.t_time
id = visitor.thread_num

i = 0
j = 0
while i < v:
    for j in range(0, c):
        if cars[j].in_service is False and cars[j].rides < 5:
            print('\nVisitor %d is currently in car %d' % (i+1, j+1))
            cars[j].in_service = True
            i += 1
            print('\n%d customers waiting for a ride.' % (v - i))
is_done += 1

def car_thread(_car):
global is_done
carThread = _car
cars_done = 0

v = carThread.m_visitors
c = carThread.n_cars
p = carThread.k_pumps
t = carThread.t_time
id = carThread.thread_num
i = 0

while cars_done == 0:
    cars_in_service = 0
    while i < c:
        if cars[i].in_service is True and cars[i].rides < 5:
            # Car still being used, add more time
            cars[i].time += 1
        if cars[i].time == t:
            cars[i].in_service = False
            cars[i].rides += 1
            cars[i].time = 0
        if cars[i].rides == 5 and cars[i].in_queue is False:
            cars[i].in_queue = True
        if cars[i].in_service is False:
            cars_in_service += 1
        i += 1
    if cars_in_service == c and is_done >= 1:
        cars_done = 1
is_done += 1

def gas_station_thread(_gas_station):
global is_done
gas_station = _gas_station

truck = False
cars_filled = 0

v = gas_station.m_visitors
c = gas_station.n_cars
p = gas_station.k_pumps
t = gas_station.t_time
id = gas_station.thread_num

gas_done = 0
pumps_in_service = 0

j = 0
while gas_done == 0:
    while j < p:
        if pumps[j].in_use is True:
            pumps[j].time += 1
        if pumps[j].time == 3:
            cars[j].in_service = 0
            cars[j].rides = 0
            cars[j].time = 0
            cars[j].in_queue = False
            pumps[j].time = 0
            pumps[j].in_use = False
            cars_filled += 1
            pumps_in_service -= 1
        if truck is True and pumps[j].in_use is False:
            truck = False
            print('Fuel Truck is currently filling up the gas station.')
        elif pumps[j].in_use is True and pump_line.size > 0:
            pumps_in_service += 1
            pumps[j].in_use = True
            print('Car %d, pump %d' % (pumps[j].car_num + 1, i + 1))
            pumps[j].time = 0
        j += 1

        if cars_filled > 3:
            print('The Fuel Truck is on its way')
            truck = True
            cars_filled = 0
        if pumps_in_service == 0 and is_done == 2:
            gas_done = True
        is_done += 1

def pop():
fr = pump_line.front
f = pump_line.pQueue[fr]
print("\n%d cars are waiting for pumps" % int(pump_line.size - 1))
if fr < (pump_line.MAXsize - 1):
    pump_line.front += 1
    pump_line.front = 0

return f

def push(_c):
c =_c
b = pump_line.back
pump_line.pQueue[b] = c
print("\n%d cars are waiting for pumps" % int(pump_line.size + 1))
if b < (pump_line.MAXsize - 1):
    pump_line.back += 1
    pump_line.back = 0

def isEmpty():
if (pump_line.front == pump_line.back):
    boolean = True
    boolean = False

return boolean

if __name__ == "__main__":
arguments = Arguments(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, False)
main = Arguments(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, False)
thread = []
round_number = 0
io_control = 0
input_file = []
number_of_threads = 3
print("Enter the name of the text file to use as input:")
while io_control == 0:
        filename = input()
        input_file = open(filename)
        io_control = 1
    except IOError:
        print("Specified file does not exist, enter a different text file:")

# parse file into lines, separating by endlines
file_lines = []
num_lines = 0
for line in input_file:
    line = line.replace(",", " ")
    line = line.split()
    num_lines += 1
    if line:
        line = [int(i) for i in line]

while main.done is False and round_number < num_lines:
    main.m_visitors = int(file_lines[round_number][0])
    main.n_cars = int(file_lines[round_number][1])
    main.k_pumps = int(file_lines[round_number][2])
    main.t_time = int(file_lines[round_number][3])

    print("\nRound Number: %d" % (round_number + 1))

    if main.n_cars == 0:
        print('No data to read in this round, press enter to continue:')

    print("Number of Visitors: %d" % main.m_visitors)
    print("Number of Cars: %d" % main.n_cars)
    print("Number of Pumps: %d" % main.k_pumps)
    print("Units of Time: %d" % main.t_time)

    M = main.m_visitors
    N = main.n_cars
    K = main.k_pumps
    T = main.t_time

    thread_info = []
    cars = []
    pumps = []
    for i in range(0, 3):
        temp = Arguments(M, N, K, T, i, False)

    for i in range(0, N):
        temp = Car(0, 0, 0, False, 0, False)

    for i in range(0, K):
        temp = Pump(0, False, 0, 0)

    pump_line = PumpQueue(0, 0, 0, 0, N)

    visitorThread = Thread(target=visitor_thread, args=(thread_info[0],))

    carsThread = Thread(target=car_thread, args=(thread_info[1],))

    gasThread = Thread(target=gas_station_thread, args=(thread_info[2],))



    round_number += 1

My output: 我的输出:

Round Number: 1 Number of Visitors: 35 Number of Cars: 6 Number of Pumps: 5 Units of Time: 2 轮数:1访客人数:35轿车数量:6泵数量:5时间单位:2

Visitor 1 is currently in car 1 访客1目前在汽车1中

34 customers waiting for a ride. 34位顾客在等车。

Visitor 2 is currently in car 2 访客2目前在车2中

33 customers waiting for a ride. 33位顾客在等车。

Visitor 3 is currently in car 3 访客3当前在汽车3中

32 customers waiting for a ride. 32位顾客在等车。

Visitor 4 is currently in car 4 访客4当前在汽车4中

31 customers waiting for a ride. 31位顾客在等车。

Visitor 5 is currently in car 5 访客5当前在车5中

30 customers waiting for a ride. 30位顾客在等车。

Visitor 6 is currently in car 6 访客6目前在汽车6中

29 customers waiting for a ride. 29位顾客在等车。

I think there's an index problem here: 我认为这里存在索引问题:

 if cars[j].in_service is False and cars[i].rides < 5:

should be 应该

if cars[j].in_service is False and cars[j].rides < 5:

Index for cars is j not i 汽车指数不是j

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