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[英]Is there a Drupal module for importing text and images?


Yes. 是。 There are several ways to accomplish this in Drupal: 有几种方法可以在Drupal中完成此任务:

  1. If you're doing a one-time import, try the Node Import module --- this lets you import content from a CSV file. 如果您正在进行一次性导入,请尝试节点导入模块---这可以让您从CSV文件导入内容。
  2. If you want your Drupal site to provide a web-based API to which new content can be POSTed (via, for example, XMLRPC), check out the Services module. 如果您希望Drupal站点提供基于Web的API,可以将新内容发布到该API(例如,通过XMLRPC),请查看“ 服务”模块。
  3. If you want your Drupal site to periodically retrieve content from other sites (RSS feeds, for example), check out FeedAPI . 如果您希望Drupal站点定期检索其他站点的内容(例如RSS源),请查看FeedAPI
  4. If you want to write your own PHP code to create new content, check out this article for an introduction. 如果您想编写自己的PHP代码来创建新内容,请查看本文的介绍。

Not sure what you mean by having a module for importing text, but there is one specifically for images: the Image module. 不知道你有一个用于导入文本的模块是什么意思,但有一个专门用于图像: Image模块。 Here is an excerpt from its project page: 以下是其项目页面的摘录:

... allows users with proper permissions to upload images into Drupal. ...允许具有适当权限的用户将图像上传到Drupal。 Thumbnails and additional sizes are created automatically. 将自动创建缩略图和其他尺寸。

Images could be posted individually to the front page, included in stories or grouped in galleries. 图像可以单独发布到首页,包含在故事中或分组在图库中。

Importing text can be performed directly as one of the other existing entity types. 导入文本可以直接作为其他现有实体类型之一执行。

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